Exterior wide shot of William Commanda Hall, building that houses the Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies
The Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies
This article contains original text from April 2004 written by Dr. Georges Sioui, then Coordinator of the Aboriginal Studies Program at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Sioui is currently an Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies. The text has been edited for clarity.

A special ceremony in the history of the University of Ottawa took place last Thursday, April 15 [2004]. The site was Elder William Commanda’s Anishinaabe Lodge, in the Algonquin community of Kitigan Zibi (near Maniwaki). The event was the inauguration of the Aboriginal Studies Program, recently created at the University of Ottawa.

In all, thirty people gathered in the Lodge of the Algonquin spiritual leader, whose 90th birthday was communally celebrated last November. Many of the attendees were the people responsible for the development of the new Program, which took place over more than ten years. A two and a half hour traditional Talking Circle ceremony was officiated by Elder Commanda, during which the participants, holding in turn an eagle feather, told the story of how each of “the relatives of this child prepared it to be born” (as the metaphor is now set), as well as spoke about “the kind of care this child now needs to receive if it is to become the strong and happy offspring it was dreamed to become.”

The Algonquin and Aboriginal community expressed its joy at seeing in its midst the two Deans of the two University Faculties involved in the conceptualization and operation of the Program, namely Dean Caroline Andrew of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Dean Tibor Egervari of the Faculty of Arts. Because of such obvious respect and support on the part of the University, Elders and other guests shared firm feelings of hope for the future success of the Aboriginal Studies Program in helping to create the educational and social bridges needed by all Aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians in order to harmonize and strengthen their global society. Mr. Gilbert Whiteduck, President of the University’s Aboriginal Council, who has been involved in this effort from the very start, also expressed his deep satisfaction with this accomplishment and let the assembly ponder on the great task which lies ahead of developing the kind of institution that will generate the far-reaching, culturally-sensitive, Aboriginal-based educational system that is needed.

The ceremony was followed by a real northern Amerindian banquet: a delicious, huge “chibai” (in French, cipâte) of moose and other succulent country meats, warm Indian bannock, as well as flavorsome, oven-baked beans, served with sweet maple syrup produced in the Kitigan Zibi territory, all sorts of tasty pastries and every kind of non-alcoholic drinks. To top it all, Kidji Manito (Creator) had given all His/Her children a wonderful, sunny spring day!

Indigenous Affirmation

We pay respect to the Algonquin people, who are the traditional guardians of this land. We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory, which remains unceded. 

We pay respect to all Indigenous people in this region, from all nations across Canada, who call Ottawa home. 

We acknowledge the traditional knowledge keepers, both young and old. And we honour their courageous leaders: past, present, and future. 

Learn more about the Indigenous Affirmation.