Indigenous Studies examines the lived experiences, histories and perspectives of Indigenous peoples. It explores their intellectual traditions and life philosophies as represented in the values, stories and languages of Indigenous societies. Our professors, students and team of researchers aim to better contextualize Indigenous peoples' perspectives of political, cultural and intellectual sovereignty. During the program, you will be challenged to analyze and question the colonial frameworks under which Indigenous peoples live, both nationally and internationally.

The University of Ottawa is located in Algonquin territory at the confluence of the Kitchi Zibi (Ottawa River), Pasapkedjinawong Zibi (Rideau River) and Te Nagadeno Zibi (Gatineau River). Indigenous Studies draws strength from and reflects the knowledge and traditions of the Algonquin nation, together with the many other First Nations, Metis and Inuit who now call the region home. The program also explores the broader historical/contemporary contexts and lived realities of Indigenous nations in other parts of the world.

42 units
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Major in Indigenous Studies

Opportunity to pursue a broader range of interest as it has a greater number of electives.

Can be combined with a second Major or a Minor.

Program structure

Course sequence

30 units
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Minor in Indigenous Studies

Opportunity to acquire a solid foundation in Minor in Indigenous Studies while following a Specialization or a Major in another discipline.

Must be taken in addition to a main program.

Program structure

Course sequence

William Commanda Hall

The Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies

From its inception to the present, interdisciplinarity has been the raison d'être of IIRS. As expressed in a 2010 document that addresses the future directions of the Institute, collaboration across academic fields remains at the core of the programs offered by IIRS today.
Learn more about the institute.

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Scholarships and Bursaries

Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements every term of full-time study at University. A scholarship is awarded for academic achievements while a bursary is awarded based on financial need.
Discover our Schorlarships and Bursaries and learn how to apply.

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  • Indigenous Studies + Environmental Studies
  • Indigenous Studies + History
  • Indigenous Studies + Feminist and Gender Studies
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