What is the science of language? Where does language come from? What is the nature of language structure and how is meaning encoded into language? Advances in research and new technologies are revolutionizing the way we try to answer these questions. Using the latest equipment and investigative approaches, our research laboratories make it possible for you to analyze spoken sounds, track eye movement and brain activity during language processing and explore language acquisition and language variation and change, in addition to probing dozens of other theoretical and empirical aspects of familiar and unfamiliar languages.

The department houses five specialized cutting-edge research laboratories, which is a general research laboratory whose facilities are available to all professors and students in support of their teaching and research.

Choose your program

120 units

Honours BA in Linguistics

180 units

Major in Linguistics

30 units

Minor in Linguistics

Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics

Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics

Honours program, major, minor?

More information

  • Introduction to Linguistics: The Sounds of Language
  • Language in Society
  • Aboriginal Language
  • Neurolinguistics
  • Varieties of English
  • Variétés de français

Scholarships and Bursaries

Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements every term of full-time study at University. A scholarship is awarded for academic achievements while a bursary is awarded based on financial need.
Discover our Schorlarships and Bursaries and learn how to apply.
Students working together

The Department of Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics offers the study of the science of language through approaches that combine linguistic theory and empirical areas.
Learn more about the department.
Students walking on campus

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