Lise Desjardins
On the eve of her retirement, we celebrate Lise Desjardins, who has been a true pillar in the everyday workings of the School of Music, ranging from finances, payroll, academic operations, as well as human resources and building management.

The professors, staff and students of the School of Music at the University of Ottawa would like to recognize and thank Mrs. Lise Desjardins, Senior Administrative Officer of the Fine Arts Departments, for her incredible devotion and service to the School of Music. After a career spanning 42 years at the University, 25 of which involved key administrative roles at the School of Music, Lise will have her last day at work on October 20, 2022.  We are, of course, delighted for her as she embarks on this new chapter in her life, but it is also with a keen sense of regret that we see her leave.

Lise has been a true pillar in the everyday workings of the School of Music, ranging from finances, payroll, academic operations, as well as human resources and building management. In all of these wide-ranging and frequently demanding responsibilities, Lise has consistently shown herself to be extraordinarily competent, attentive, and professional while always upholding and supporting the School of Music community, its vision and its values. Former Director of the School of Music, Lori Burns describes it in this way: “In each and every encounter with students, professors, donors and staff members, Lise reveals a generosity of spirit, always ready to listen and support, in any situation. Guided by a deep affection for her colleagues and a genuine love of music, she has been a pillar of the community, both within the School of Music and the Faculty of Arts.” Lise has seen the School through a broad period of evolution and change, and as such she has also been an important source of consistency and continuity. She got to know everybody associated with the School over the years and she has been a tremendous advocate for us, a smiling and hard-working presence in our building.”

Lise Desjardins writes: “My career at the University has been marked by success, thanks to the trust you have so kindly shown me. I am extremely proud of my professional accomplishments and especially very proud of my School of Music, “my second big family”. Know that I have shared with each and every one of you wonderful professional and personal memories that I will remember all my life.”

We wish Lise a truly wonderful retirement and hope to see her regularly and welcome her as a cherished visitor in our building for many, many years to come.