Major in Ethics and Political Philosophy

42 course units

The course offering varies from year to year, and courses may not be offered at the suggested term. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s).

The major is a component that is part of a bachelor's degree or an honors degree.

Find your Program Requirements

Suggested Course Sequence 2024

1st year (30 course units)
  • PHI1301
  • PHI1302
2nd year (30 course units)
  • PHI2174
  • PHI2395
  • 3 course units from: PHI2380, PHI2382, PHI2383
  • PHI2170
  • PHI2183
  • 3 course units from: PHI2380, PHI2382, PHI2383
3rd year (30 course units)
  • PHI3165
  • PHI3164
4th year (30 course units)
  • 3 course units from: PHI4164, PHI4311, PHI4312
  • 3 course units from: PHI3170, PHI31711, PHI3174, PHI3391, PHI41011, PHI41031
  • 3 course units from: PHI3170, PHI3171, PHI3174, PHI3391, PHI4101, PHI4103
  • 3 course units from: PHI4164, PHI4311, PHI4312


This table includes only discipline-specific courses.

  1. Variable theme course which may be taken more than once provided that the themes differ. 
