Minor in Latin American Studies

30 course units

The course offering varies from year to year, and courses may not be offered at the suggested term. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s).

The minor is a component that is part of a bachelor's degree or an honors degree.

Find your Program Requirements

Suggested Course Sequence 2023

1st year (30 course units)
  • N/A
  • N/A
2nd year (30 course units)
  • 3 course units from: ESP1991 or POR19011
  • 3 course units from: ESP1992 or POR19021
3rd year (30 course units)
  • 3 optional course units from the list of optional courses offered at the Faculty of Arts2
  • 3 optional course units from the list of optional courses offered at the Faculty of Social Sciences2
  • 3 optional course units from the list of optional courses offered at the Faculty of Arts2
  • 3 optional course units from the list of optional courses offered at the Faculty of Social Sciences2
4th year (30 course units)


  1. Students whose level of proficiency is higher than elementary in Spanish or Portugese as established by a placement test, will either take 6 course units at the intermediate or advanced level or 6 units in the other language.
  2. A maximum of 9 course units in a given discipline.
