Bachelor of Music (BMus)

120 course units / 4 years

The course offering varies from year to year, and courses may not be offered at the suggested term. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s).

All non-keyboard majors must submit to a proficiency exam set by the School of Music at the end of the 2nd year. This exam must be completed successfully by the end of the 4th year to obtain the BMus degree.

Find your Program Requirements

Suggested Course Sequence 2024

1st year (33 course units)
  • ENG1100
  • Option 1 (MUS103012OR Option 2 (MUS103212)
  • 3 course units in Sight-Singing and Dictation I from3: MUS11911, MUS11921, MUS11931, MUS11941
  • MUS2306
  • MUS2331
  • 6 course units of ensembles according to chosen instrument
  • 3 course units from : AHL11001, AHL19001, ENG1120
  • (Continued - Option 1 (MUS103022) OR Option 2 (MUS103222))
  • (Continued - Course in Sight-Singing and Dictation I3: MUS11912, MUS11922, MUS11932, MUS11942)
  • MUS2307
  • MUS2332
  • (Continued - Course units of ensembles related to chosen instrument)
2nd year (27 course units)
  • Option 1 (MUS203012OR Option 2 (MUS203212)
  • MUS3306
  • MUS3333
  • 3 course units in Sight-Singing and Dictation II from: MUS21911, MUS21921, MUS21931, MUS21941
  • 6 course units of ensembles related to chosen instrument 
  • (Continued Option 1 (MUS203022) OR Option 2 (MUS203222))
  • MUS3307
  • MUS3334
  • (Continued - Course in Sight-Singing and Dictation II: MUS21912, MUS21922, MUS21932, MUS21942)
  • (Continued - Course units of ensembles related to chosen instrument)
3rd year (30 course units)
  • Option 1 (MUS303012) OR Option 2 (MUS303212)
  • MUS3335
  • 6 course units related to your profile and instrument combination5
  • 3 elective course units in a discipline other than Music (MUS)
  • (Continued Option 1 (MUS303022) OR Option 2 (MUS303222))
  • 9 course units related to your profile and instrument combination5
  • 3 course units in French as a second language (FLS)4
4th year (30 course units)
  • 12 course units related to your profile and instrument combination5
  • 3 elective course units
  • 12 course units related to your profile and instrument combination5
  • 3 elective course units


  1. This course has variable topics. Students may take this course twice.
  2. Students failing an applied music course (MUS1030, MUS1032, MUS2030, MUS2032, MUS3030, MUS3032) will be asked by the School of Music to withdraw from the BMus.
  3. A written test at the beginning of course MUS1191, MUS1192, MUS1193, MUS1194, and MUS2306 will determine placement in an additional weekly lab.
  4. An exemption from this requirement is given to students who obtain an equivalency for the language proficiency test or who pass a music (MUS) course offered in French. The course is then to be replaced by 3 elective course units.
  5. The profile is chosen at the end of the second year. 
