The Award recognizes the outstanding achievement of a researcher or artist who is in the early stages of her/his academic career at the Faculty of Arts. Recipient(s) receive the prize according to the quality and significance of their scholarship (research or research-creation) specifically the quality and degree of research productivity, student training activities and record of research funding.
Early Researcher of the Year Award
Meredith Rocchi
Early Researcher of the Year
The overarching goal of Dr. Meredith Rocchi's program of research is to explore the role of effective interpersonal communication in promoting positive outcomes. Her program of research combines perspectives from communication and motivational psychology to examine how effective interpersonal communication can serve to motivate others to change their behaviour. She explores these relationships in two key research streams: in health promotion settings and in the context of collecting, interacting with, and learning about data. Through her innovative research program, she is committed to answering big questions that improve the health and quality of life for Canadians such as How can we increase physical activity participation? or How can we improve our understanding of the data we encounter in our daily lives? Dr. Rocchi is one of the founding researchers of the Arts-Telfer Triple-I Laboratory which is a cutting-edge lab space for studying human interactions funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. She is also the Director and Co-Founder of the uOttawa Data Literacy Research Institute. The Institute brings together interdisciplinary experts to conduct important research and training related to the current and future challenges that arise from insufficient data literacy.
Past laureates
Other awards
Award | Name | Department |
King Charles III Coronation Medal | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
University of Ottawa Knowledge Mobilization Award | Elizabeth Dubois | CMN |
Member, Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists | Elizabeth Dubois | CMN |
Prix d’excellence en recherche en francophonie de l’Université d’Ottawa | Lucie Hotte | FRA |
APUO Award for Excellence in Research | Adele Reinhartz | CLA |
Award | Name | Department |
Officer's cross of the Order of Civil Merit | Luis Abanto | LLM |
Officer's cross of the Order of Civil Merit | Rosalia Cornejo-Parriego | LLM |
Member, Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists | Constance Crompton | CMN |
Dorothy Killam Fellowship | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
Martin Bergman Medal for Excellence in Arctic Leadership | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
Distinguished University Professor | Jan Grabowski | HIS |
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada | Sylvie Grosjean | CMN |
Prix Paulette-Gagnon | Lucie Hotte | FRA |
Prix de l’artiste de l’année en Outaouais | Anne-Marie Ouellet | THE |
Medal for Merit to Culture | Richard Sokoloski | LLM |
Award | Name | Department |
Prix de la francophonie de l'Ontario | Joël Beddows | THE |
SSHRC Impact Insight Award | Jan Grabowski | HIS |
Fellow, Academia Europea | Rainier Grutman | FRA |
Prix Rideau Awards Outstanding Direction | Kevin Orr | THE |
Distinguished University Professor | Adele Reinhartz | CLA |
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada | Cynthia Sugars | ENG |
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities Outstanding Early Career Award | Jada Watson | ESI |
Award | Name | Department |
Prix Jacques-Rousseau, Acfas | Gilles Comeau | MUS |
Governor General's Award for Innovation | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
Konrad Adenauer Research Award for Canadian Researchers | Adele Reinhartz | CLA |
Prix de la Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française | Nicole St-Onge | HIS |
Ordre des palmes académiques | May Telmissany | CMN |
Award | Name | Department |
Prix Gérard-Parizeau | Pierre Anctil | GEG |
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada | Lynne Bowker | TRA |
SSHRC Impact Connection Award | Jackie Dawson | GEG |
Fellowship, Royal Society of Canada | Jan Grabowski | HIS |
Canadian Geotechnical Society Roger Brown Award | Antoni Lewkowicz | GEG |
Award | Organization | Name | Department |
Young researcher of the year | uOttawa | Beverly Baker | OLBI |
Karsh Award | City of Ottawa | Andrew Wright | ARV |
Prix André-Laurendeau | ACFAS | Shana Poplack | LIN |
Fellow | Royal Society of Canada | Peter Beyer | CLA |
Fellow | Royal Society of Canada | Gilles Comeau | MUS |
Member | Royal Society College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists | Denis Lacelle | GEO |
Award | Organization | Name | Department |
Ursula Franklin Award in Gender Studies | Royal Society of Canada | Ruby Heap | HIS |
Order of Canada | Governor General | Barry Wellar | GEG |
Ordre des francophones d'Amérique | Conseil supérieur de la langue française | France Martineau | FRA |
Honorary Doctorate | University College Dublin | Shana Poplack | LIN |
Membre | Conseil national des aînés | Martine Lagacé | CMN |
Canadian Jewish Literary Award (Yiddish) | Canadian Jewish Literary Awards | Seymour Mayne | ENG |
Excellence in Research Award | APUO | Lori Beaman | CLA |
Honorary Doctorate | Uppsala University | Lori Beaman | CLA |
Lifetime Achievement Award | Ontario Counsel of University Libraries | Leslie Weir | Library |
Vinay and Darbelnet Prize for Best Article | Canadian Association for Translation Studies | Lynne Bowker | TRA |
Award | Organization | Name | Department |
Impact Award (Insight category) | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | Lori Beaman | CLA |
Member | Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists | Jitse Dijkstra | CLA |
Senate 150th Anniversary Medal | Senate of Canada | Lucie Hotte | FRA |
Fellow | Royal Society of Canada | Lucie Hotte | FRA |
National achievement award | Canadian Linguistic association | France Martineau | FRA |