The submission periods for the 2024-2025 academic year will end on October 7, 2024, and February 10, 2025.
The Student Experience Fund aims to support student projects related to one of the following three themes:
1. Academic or Sociocultural Events and Activities
Are you planning a conference on campus or a university competition targeting students? Are you planning to study abroad or participate in an exchange? The Faculty of Arts can support initiatives such as:
- Seminars, symposiums, guest speaker conferences, and other academic student activities held on campus.
- Artistic or cultural programs organized by students on campus.
- Student exchanges, conferences, or internships outside the campus. However, the SEF does not subsidize courses and field trips associated with a course.
2. Wellness Initiatives
Are you setting up an initiative to promote or improve students' mental health and well-being? Committed to contributing to this goal, the Faculty of Arts is happy to support activities or programs that promote mental health, resilience, and well-being within its student community.
3. Anti-Racism and Inclusion Initiatives
Are you passionate about fighting racism and celebrating diversity within our community? The Faculty of Arts is committed to supporting anti-racism initiatives and promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID). The Faculty is also dedicated to supporting student initiatives aimed at raising awareness in these areas. Here are some examples of projects we would be happy to support:
- Hosting a conference or series of conferences.
- Creating and implementing cultural initiatives, performances, or programs.
- Establishing initiatives that reduce systemic barriers faced by students from marginalized groups.
How to Apply
To apply for funding, complete the forms for an individual activity or for organizing an event or initiative.
- Only full-time students at the time of the event are eligible.
- Normally, funding for an activity that benefits only one person does not exceed $500. For an activity organized for a group, the maximum amount is $1,500.
- Only one individual application can be granted by the SEF for the duration of the applicant's studies.
- The same person cannot be funded for the same research trip by both the Student Experience Fund and the Faculty of Arts' Travel Grant for Conference or Research Stay.
2. In return for funding for the organization of an event or initiative, the grant recipient undertakes to:
- Mention the Student Experience Fund in all event or initiative promotional materials.
- Contact the Communications and Marketing department of the Faculty of Arts to promote the event or initiative within the Faculty.
- Provide a final one-page report within eight weeks following the event or initiative, detailing the activities held, the number of student participants from the Faculty of Arts, and the actual budget spent.
The submission periods for the 2024-2025 academic year will end on October 7, 2024, and February 10, 2025.
Please contact the Vice-Dean of Student Affairs if you have any questions regarding your project.