If you need to be absent for a final exam, you must complete the . An absence from an exam cannot be declared more than five (5) working days prior to the start of the exam or three (3) working days after the exam. However, if a student starts an exam but cannot complete it due to a significant deterioration in their health or a situation requiring immediate or emergency medical attention, the student must submit the Declaration of Absence from an Examination within five (5) working days following the exam. circumstances.
Students can request a maximum of one (1) deferred evaluation per course, and this evaluation must take place as soon as possible, within six (6) months of the end of the term. Evaluation for graduate students must occur as soon as possible, within three (3) months of the end of the term. (see )
Please contact the professor of your course directly for any other missed evaluations during the term.
The Undergraduate Studies Office evaluates and manages deferred final exams for all undergraduate courses offered by the Faculty of Arts If you are requesting an absence for a final exam in an undergraduate course, the Undergraduate Studies Office will contact you to follow up on your request for a deferral.
All deferred final exams for undergraduate Arts courses will take place during the Deferred exam period, as indicated on the calendar.