As we reflect on the past year since launching our Faculty’s flagship project Together Against Racism, we are inspired by the extraordinary, collective work of our students, community partners, staff and professors.

A year of reflection and action

Reading through the list below shows the work of many hands (and hearts) which came together in support of this initiative.

What did we did do? 

We engaged in crucial conversations and listened to powerful stories. We formally adopted the United Nations Declaration on the International Decade for People of African Descent and made statements expressing outrage about racist incidents in Canada and abroad. We updated policies, reviewed programs, created student bursaries, and hosted events. Our students and community partners, in particular, devoted countless hours to organizing and animating the numerous occasions during which we learned, unlearned and connected (albeit virtually) during roundtables and even poetry readings. Still, the action of co-creating an equitable society is always a work in progress. This is why we used the year to prepare a Faculty equity, diversity and inclusion plan to guide our work and to underscore our commitment. We wish to thank every single person who contributed to or participated in these initiatives. We pledge to continue the journey together.

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Education
Richard Barwell, Dean
Francis Bangou, Vice-Dean, Governance and Student Affairs
Isabelle Bourgeois, Vice-Dean, Research and Professional Development
Raymond Leblanc, Interim Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Vice-Dean, Graduate Programs


Anti-Black Racism Discussion Group | Monthly groups discussions with students, staff and professors from the Faculty on various topics related to anti-Black racism.


Declaration by the Faculty of Education on the UN International Decade for People of African Descent | Formal adoption of the Declaration

Together Against Racism: No justice, no peace | Dean's Office Statement

Faculty of Education Year of Action for Racial Justice 2020-2021| Context and plan for a year of action

Together Against Racism | A Year of Action 2020-2021 

Racist Incidents Online | Dean’s Message


Initiatives and support for our students

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Anti-Racism Action Plan | This action plan delineates the objectives, actions, and indicators that will contribute to the inclusion of all members of the Faculty including members who experience historical and ongoing racism and discrimination in programs, policies, procedures, and decision-making processes.

Indigenous Solidarity Bursaries | Financial support for our Indigenous students

Bursaries for New Canadians | Financial support for our students who have children, or who are first- or second-generation Canadians

Merit Bursaries | Financial support for our graduate students' research projects

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Antiracism Policy | Policy updates

Justice in June Challenge | Educlang Research Group

GACRAN - Groupe d’action contre le racisme antiNoir | Initiative of Professor Phyllis Dalley

Anti-Racist Education Meetup Group | A Community of Inquiry for all Teacher Education candidates and professors, hosted by the Second Language Education Cohort


SLAM poetry workshop | Initiative of Professor Amal Boultif

Spring Institute on anti-Black Racism| Students Association Collective with the Faculty of Education's Vice-Dean of Governance and Student Affairs, Francis Bangou

Fall Institute on Racism | Education Graduate Students of Colour

Decolonization 101 with Molly Swain | Education Graduate Students of Colour 

Black History Month: Past, Present, and Future | Student Associations Collective

Cultural Appropriation in the Classroom with Tasha Ausman, PhD | Education Graduate Students of Colour

Am I a Racist? | Becoming an Ally or Activist Against Racism 

Film Screening - UNESCO's General History of Africa | ACPHA

Exploring Equity, Inclusion and Diversity in Educational Leadership | Empowered Leaders Network

Anti-racism beyond the academy: Voices from the community | Community leaders and scholars


Anti-Racism workshops for professors and staff | Organized by Faculty members

ACPHA Colloque professionnel en ligne pour les enseignants en formation de l'enseignement| Le racisme systémique - Approche pédagogique pour la déconstruction des stéréotypes racistes