Awad Ibrahim is full professor, Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Excellence and holder of the Air Canada Professorship on Anti-Racism. He is a curriculum theorist with special interest in economy of hospitality (Derrida), cultural studies, Hip-Hop, youth and Black popular culture, social foundations (i.e., philosophy, history and sociology of education), social justice and community service learning, diasporic and continental African identities, ethnography and applied linguistics. He has researched and published widely in these areas. Professor Ibrahim obtained his PhD from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE), and has been with the Faculty since 2007. Before that, he taught at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Internationally, he has ongoing projects in Morocco, Sudan and the United States. He is an advisor to the Canadian Playful Schools Network. His immediate projects include an ethnography of an inner city high school in Ottawa, a blog called On Becoming, and a project on the daily struggle of 'becoming a citizen' in Canada. For high school students, he is known as Dr. Dre.
Awad Ibrahim

Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Excellence
Holder of the Air Canada Professorship on Anti-Racism
Ibrahim, A., Barnawi, O. Z., (2023). The Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education in the Arabian Gulf Region : Critical Comparative Perspectives in a Neoliberal Era
Ibrahim, A., Kitossa, T., Smith, M., & Wright, H. (Eds.). (2022). Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian academy: Teaching, learning, and researching while Black
Sharma, M., Allen, A., & Ibrahim, A. (Eds.). (2021). Disruptive learning narrative framework: Analyzing race, power and privilege in post-secondary international service learning
Journals & other
Ibrahim, A., Phillips, A., Wilson, I., Pinnock, S. (2024). Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace in Canada. Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace in Canada | 5-Star DE&I Employers | Canadian HR Reporter
Ibrahim, A. (2022). What Have Deleuze and Guattari Got to Do with Blackness? A Rhizomatic Analysis of Blackness. In Ibrahim, A., Kitossa, T., Smith, M., & Wright, H. (Eds.).Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian academy: Teaching, learning, and researching while Black.
Allen, U. D, Collins, T., Sefa Dei,G. J., Henry, F., Ibrahim, A., James, C. E., Jean-Pierre, J., Kobayashi, A., Lewis, K., McKenzie, K., Mawani, R., Owusu-Bempah, A., Walcott, R., Wan, N. N. (2021).Impacts of COVID-19 in Racialized Communities. Royal Society of Canada.
Ibrahim, A. (2020). The new normal: English language learning, pop culture, and the politics of investment. In Verner, W. & Tegge, F. (Eds.). Pop Culture in Language Education: Theory, Research, Practice.
Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.
Research interests
- Educational social foundations
- Curriculum
- Ethnography
- Applied linguistics
- Black pop culture and hip-hop