Christine Suurtamm

Christine Suurtamm
Christine Suurtamm
Professor Emeritus

LMX 386
613-562-5800 ext. 4892

Christine Suurtamm is professor emeritus of mathematics education and teaches in the areas of mathematics education, assessment and qualitative research. Her research focuses on the complexity of teachers' classroom practice. She is particularly interested in teachers' formative assessment practices, as these are opportunities for attending and responding to students' mathematical thinking. Professor Suurtamm has been the lead researcher on several, large-scale Ontario Ministry of Education projects examining mathematics teaching and learning. She is also Director of the Pi Lab, a research facility supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation. She was the Canadian representative on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors, the Co-Chair of the Ontario Ministry of Education Early Math Expert Panel, and Co-Chair of several international panels on assessment in mathematics education. She is also the recipient of several teaching and research awards including Excellence in Teaching, the Capital Educator's Award and the University of Ottawa Excellence in Education Award.


Thompson, D., Huntley, M.A. & Suurtamm, C. (2021). International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education

Reid, D. A., Suurtamm, C., Savard, A., Simmt, E. & al. (2020). Researching Pedagogy and Practice with Canadian Mathematics Teachers

Thompson, D., Huntley, M.A. & Suurtamm, C. (2017).International perspectives in mathematics curriculum

Journals & other

Suurtamm, C. (2022). Elementary Mathematics Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning: The Past Ten Years, Gazette - Ontario Association for Mathematics, 60(3), 19-24.

Suurtamm, C. (2020). Mathematical modelling: a new addition to the ontario mathematics curriculum for grades 1-8, Gazette - Ontario Association for Mathematics, 59(1), 11-12,24.

Hall, J. Suurtamm, C. (2020). Numbers and Nerds: Exploring Portrayals of Mathematics and Mathematicians in Children’s Media, International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 15(3), 2-17.

Research interests

  • Mathematics education
  • Mathematical inquiry
  • Assessment