El Hadji Yaya Koné

El Hadji Yaya Koné
El Hadji Yaya Koné
Associate Professor
Graduate Studies Program Director, Francophone Sector

El Hadji Yaya Koné is a researcher in online and blended learning in higher education. Dr Koné investigates issues of digital pedagogy across academic disciplines with regards to learning assessment, inclusive education, collaborative learning, and cross-border distance education. He also investigates the professional development of educational developers, instructors, and faculty members in higher education. His research methodology is basically qualitative and grounded theory oriented. Dr Koné was an intern in distance education at the Télé-université du Québec (Téluq), instructor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Montreal, educational developer at the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQAT), where he was later appointed professor in the department of education. He developed and supervised the graduate certificate program in higher education pedagogy at UQAT.

Research interests

  • Instructional design
  • Inclusive digital learning
  • University pedagogy
  • Cross-border distance learning
  • Initial and continuing teacher training