Teacher at front of classroom full of kids.

Formation à l’enseignement (BEd) — Full time

The Formation à l’enseignement programs at the Ottawa campus of the University of Ottawa prepare students to teach in Ontario's French-language schools.

They are designed for individuals who hold a bachelor's degree from a recognized university who wish to share their passion for learning with the next generation.

Before you apply, choose the campus and division in which you would like to teach.

Discover the 3 campus

Ottawa, Toronto and Windsor campus collage

The Ottawa campus is the main campus and offers a dynamic, centralized environment, ideal for a complete university experience. Courses are offered mainly during the day.

At the Toronto campus, courses are offered downtown, near Lake Ontario, and are held in the evenings, during the day and on weekends.

The Windsor Campus offers evening and weekend courses at the Carrefour communautaire francophone de Windsor-Essex.

To teach in the Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, you need to have taken university courses in the subject you wish to teach. Make sure that you have taken the required number of courses in the subject for the teaching division.

To find out which educational cycle you can apply for based on your transcript, please consult theteaching subject chart.

No prerequisite course is required for the Primary/Junior cycle.

Campus OttawaCampus TorontoCampus Windsor
Kindergarten students

Primary/Junior division (P/J)

The P/J division prepares you to teach Kindergarten to Grade 6 in Ontario's French-language schools. 

It provides you with skills in teaching and learning methods for all subjects, including French, mathematics, social studies, science, arts, health and physical education.

No prerequisite courses required.

Campus OttawaCampus TorontoCampus Windsor
Étudiants d'école intermédiaire

Junior/Intermediate division (J/I)

The J/I division prepares you to teach grades 4 to 10 in Ontario's French-language schools.

You must choose an academic options from among the teachable subjects.

Campus Ottawa
Étudiants d'école sécondaire

Intermediate/Senior division (I/S)

The I/S division prepares you to teach in both middle school (grades 7 and 8) and high school (grades 9 to 12). in Ontario's French-language schools.

You must choose two academic options from among the teachable subjects.


This program is accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and lead to the Certificate of Qualification and Registration issued by the OCT.
Learn more about the accreditation.

Useful links

Contact us

Information sessions

Would you like to learn more? Book your 15 minutes session with a Faculty representative.

Ottawa Campus

Lamoureux Hall (LMX)
145 Jean-Jacques-Lussier Private, Room 141
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada

Or take a virtual tour.

Toronto Campus

Danielle Higgins, Ph.D.

Nadia Jarmouni

Collège Boréal
60 Distillery Lane
Toronto ON M5A 3C4

[email protected]

Windsor Campus

Thomas Couvillion

Carrefour communautaire francophone
720 Ouellette Avenue (entrée principale à Tuscarora st)
Windsor ON N9A 1C2

Fax : 519-948-9069 
[email protected]