Building International Research Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
Dec 10, 2024 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us for the next event in our Research Conversations Series entitled “Building International Research Networks: Opportunities and Challenges” with Minahil Asim, Marie-Hélène Brunet and Emmanuel Duplàa, professors in the Faculty of Education. Register for this event happening on December 10, 2024 at 12 PM.

Many of our professors have developed international collaborations, but what do we really know about these initiatives and how can we learn from them? This panel of researchers will share their own experience with international collaborations and discuss lessons learned and challenges. This conversation will nourish the Faculty of Education’s reflection on how to better support, promote and encourage international research among its faculty members and student body.

Minahil Asim
Faculty of Education
Professor Minahil Asim’s research explores the effectiveness of education reforms and policies that are focused on improving learning outcomes and educational trajectories for disadvantaged students. Her work attempts to advance knowledge on how management and leadership practises of actors along the education delivery chain impact student outcomes; and how direct support to students at home or in school can improve their engagement and learning. She uses a variety of research methods in her work, including process-tracing methods, field experiments, and quasi-experimental strategies and has active projects in Pakistan, Ghana, and the United States.

Emmanuel Duplàa
Faculty of Education
Emmanuel Duplàa is a full professor, specialized in information and communication technology (ICT) for learning. After completing a BA in mathematics and a master's degree in cognitive sciences, he completed a PhD in education on the unconscious dimensions of online relationships in the context of e-Learning. He participated in different projects on ergonomic design and planning (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique), on e-learning (Télécom-Paristech and Centre d'Études Supérieures Industrielles) and training aspects of e-Health (TÉLUQ). He is currently conducting research at the Faculty of Education on educational video games (in partnership with the School of Information Technology and Engineering), on digital literacies and on design processes in e-learning. Professor Duplàa is a Learning Committee Lead with the LIFE Research Institute.

Marie-Hélène Brunet
Faculty of Education
Marie-Hélène Brunet is associate professor in social science and history education in the Faculty of Education. Her doctoral thesis focused on the understanding of women’s history by Quebec high school students. She also holds a master’s degree in history. Her research interests relate primarily to history teaching, citizenship education, teacher education, and both history of education and women’s history, mainly focusing on the concept of historical agency and its potential in the classroom. In 2024, she received the University of Ottawa’s Excellence in Education Prize. She is a co-investigator for the SSHRC funded pancanadian partnership Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future.