Demystifying the open access landscape: How to broaden the reach of your research
Feb 29, 2024 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us for the next event in our Research Conversations Series entitled ''Demystifying the open access landscape: How to broaden the reach of your research'' with Leigh-Ann Butler, and Patrick Labelle. Register for this event happening on February 29, 2024, at 12 PM.

We have heard for years now of the benefits of making your research open, like increased visibility, impact and citations. However, the publishing landscape is complex, which can hinder open access (OA) practices and compliance with policies. This presentation will provide an overview of the OA landscape, highlighting the benefits of repositories, like uO Research, as well as other approaches to OA publishing. With the Tri-Agency’s recent announcement of a revision to their OA Policy, this session can help you proactively understand the many ways to make your research open.

Leigh-Ann Butler
Scholarly Communications Librarian
Leigh-Ann Butler is the Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Ottawa, where she supports scholarly publishing in open journals and in the institutional repository, as well as offering guidance on open access publishing more broadly. She is also a Research Associate at the Scholarly Communication Lab (ScholCommLab), who include a team of researchers based in Vancouver and Ottawa. Her research interests focus on scholarly communication, open scholarship, bibliometrics, and science policy.

Patrick Labelle
Research Librarian
Patrick Labelle is a Research Librarian at the University of Ottawa where he supports, among others, the professors and graduate students from the Faculty of Education. He offers workshops tailored to meet the needs of various courses, collaborates on a number of systematic review projects, and assists with research by facilitating access and use of information research tools.