Women in line


The conference will address the teaching of gender history, linking them to the aims of equality education and emancipation. Drawing on data from various Swiss-French research studies in secondary school history classes, it will address the didactic challenges of making women's agentivity visible in history, denaturalizing the categories of feminine and masculine, and bringing past and present inequalities to light. The potential dangers of reinforcing stereotypes, essentialization, teleology and depoliticization will also be discussed. It will also examine the dilemmas faced by educationalists and teachers working on sensitive issues. Finally, the contribution of this type of questioning to research in other didactics, and more broadly to the question of equality at school, will be discussed.  

Valerie Operiol

Valerie Operiol

Professor, University of Geneva

Valérie Opériol is a professor of history didactics at the University of Geneva. She is a trainer of primary and secondary school teachers.

After obtaining a master's degree in history in 1990, she taught the subject for 20 years at secondary level. In September 2018, she defended a thesis on The gender perspective in history teaching. Her research focuses on the gender approach, sensitive themes and memorial issues. Her publications include: 

  • Opériol, V., De Mestral, A. et Dotti, F. (Ed.) (2024). Mémoires dans la ville. Lausanne : Antipodes.
  • Collet, I. et Opériol, V. (2023). Mettre en œuvre une pédagogie de l’égalité dans des leçons d’histoire. In J.-C. Buttier et A. Panagiotounakos (Ed.), Des savoirs pour agir sur le monde. Grenoble : PUG.
  • Opériol, V. (2023). Les tontes de la Libération : débattre du genre en classe d’histoire. In I. Collet et I. Verscheure (Ed.), Genre: Didactique(s) et Pratiques d'enseignement. Perspectives francophones. Berne : Peter Lang.
  • Brunet, M.-H. et Opériol, V. (2022). Affronter l’androcentrisme des savoirs scolaires. Enseigner l’histoire au prisme du genre. In S. Moisan, S. Hirsch, M.-A. Éthier et D. Lefrançois (Ed.), Objets difficiles, thèmes sensibles et enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales. Montréal : Fides Education. 
If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Feb 4, 2025
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Format and location
Virtual, In person
LMX 241
Undergraduate students, Graduate students, Alumni, Faculty and staff, Professors
Organized by
Faculty of Education