Colorful ropes tied together

Description of the event

CARFfI invites you to the roundtable discussion organized by Parlons avec Confiance (PAC) 'Identifying and Analyzing Language Discrimination’. This conversation will highlight sociolinguist Professor Philippe Blanchet’s concept of language discrimination known as ‘glottophobia.’ During this discussion, we will define the notion and explore its impact on research in the Breton and Acadian contexts and in Francophone communities in Canada, more broadly.

Philippe Blanchet

Philippe Blanchet


Philippe Blanchet, Ph.D. is a professor and researcher in sociolinguistics and didactic of plurilingual and intercultural communication at the University of Rennes 2, in Brittany, France. He is a specialist in Provençalexternal link, other French dialects, and plurilinguismexternal link in Francophoneexternal link areas. He is the originator of the concept of glottophobiaexternal link, which describes ‘language discrimination.’ The publication of his book 'Discriminations : Combattons la glottophobie' in 2016 received significant attention in academic conversations.


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Date and time
Feb 22, 2023
All day
Format and location
French; questions are welcome in English or French.
Organized by
Faculty of Education