Isabelle Bourgeois, PhD, is full professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. Her ongoing research focuses on measuring and building organizational evaluation capacity (EC) in the public and community sectors. Her main contributions in this field include an organizational framework of evaluation capacity, an online organizational EC assessment instrument, and an integrative review of the literature on evaluation capacity spanning a period of 20 years. Professor Bourgeois was the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, she received the Karl-Boudreault Award for Leadership in Evaluation from the National Capital Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society, and in 2021, she received the Parenteau award from Canadian Public Administration for best French-language article. She received the Contribution to Evaluation Award from the Canadian Evaluation Society in 2024.
Isabelle Bourgeois

Bourgeois, I., Buetti, D., & Maltais, S. (2023). Fondements et pratiques contemporaines en évaluation de programmes
Bourgeois, I., Chouinard, J. A., & Amo, C. (2019). Growing the Knowledge Base in Evaluation: The Contributions of J. Bradley Cousins
Hurteau, M., Bourgeois, I. & Houle, S. (2018). L'évaluation de programmes à la rencontre des acteurs
Bourgeois, I. (2016). Recherche sociale: de la problématique à la collecte des données
Fierro, L. A., Bourgeois, I., Gokiert, R., Searle, M., Tremblay, M. (2024). Strengthening Evaluation Capacity Building Practice Through Competition: The Max Bell School of Public Policy’s Evaluation Capacity Case Challenge, The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Bourgeois, I., Fierro, L., Lemire, S., Castleman, A., & Cho, M. (2022), Laying a solid foundation for the next generation of Evaluation Capacity Building: Findings from a comprehensive review, American Journal of Evaluation
Buetti, D., Bourgeois, I., & Jafary, M. (2021), Examining the Competencies Required by Evaluation Capacity Builders in Community-Based Organizations, Evaluation and Program Planning
Bourgeois, I., & Maltais, S. (2021), Translating evaluation policy into practice in government organizations, American Journal of Evaluation
Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.
Research interests
- Policy and program evaluation
- Individual and organizational evaluation capacity building
- Organizational learning
- Organizational performance measurement