Jessica Whitley
Jess Whitley
Vice-Dean, Research and Professional Development
University Research Chair in Inclusion, Mental Health and School Attendance, Full Professor

LMX 450
613-562-5800 ext. 4963

My research and teaching are driven by a dedication to improving the school experiences of students with exceptionalities. I am particularly interested in documenting, identifying influences on, and developing interventions related to psychosocial and mental health functioning. I draw on a variety of methods and data sources in my research, including analyses of small student focus groups and modeling of data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. In my teaching, I aim to best prepare future teachers of inclusive classrooms and further develop the skills and knowledge of graduate-level learners. 

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Journals & other

D'Agostino, B., Krause, A., Klan, A., Goldberg, B., Whitley, J. & al. (2022). Navigating the Triumphs and Tribulations of a University-Community Children’s Mental Health Partnership: Reflections on the First Years Told by Graduate Students, Journal of community engagement and scholarship, 14(2).

MacCormack, J., FitzGerald, C., Whitley, J. & Sider, S. (2022). Lessons Learned: Home-School Collaboration for Students with SEN during Emergency Remote Teaching, Leadership and Policy in Schools.

O’Reilly, H., Rogers, M., Ogg, J., Ritchie, T., Whitley, J. & al. (2022). A cohort study examining the association between children’s symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity, internalizing symptoms, and mindful parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic, Paediatrics & Child Health, 27, 47–52.

Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.

Research interests

  • Inclusive education
  • Special education
  • Students with exceptionalities
  • Mental health in schools
  • Learning disabilities
  • School absenteeism