Marie-Josée Vignola

Marie-Josée Vignola
Marie-Josée Vignola
Adjunct Professor

Marie-Josée Vignola holds a Bachelor of Education, with a specialization in teaching French as a second language (FSL) (McGill University), a Master of Arts in French Linguistics (Queen's University), and a Doctorate in Education (University of Ottawa). Her teaching and research focus on the didactics of French as a second language. She is interested in FSL teacher education, as well as in French immersion and core French programs. She established the Marie-Josée Vignola Excellence in Education Scholarship in support of graduates of the Second Language (SLT) teaching program who enroll in the Faculty's Teacher Education or Formation à l'enseignement programs.

Journals & other

Lamoureux, S. A., Vignola, M.-J. & Bourdages, J. S. (2020). Littératie universitaire en milieu francophone minoritaire : vers une amélioration des habiletés scripturales, Enjeux et société, 7 (2), 156–183.

Vignola, M.-J. & Andrews, B. W. (2018). Rétroviseur : vers une meilleure compréhension des besoins d’enseignantes d’immersion française sur le plan du développement professionnel en arts visuels, Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 16 (2), 76-95.

Arnott, S. & Vignola, M.-J. (2020).The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in French immersion teacher education: a focus on the language portfolio,  Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 7 (2), 321 - 345.

Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.

Research interests

  • Second language education
  • Teacher education for French as a second language teachers
  • French immersion
  • Basic French
  • French as a minority language