Professor Taylor's three main research tracks which include adult literacy and basic skills, workplace education and adult learning have involved partnerships with community colleges, school boards, universities and government and labour organizations. His Canadian research work has been funded through provincial governments and agencies and federal granting councils while his international research has attracted support through the Commonwealth Foundation and International University Councils. He has edited six books most of which are with the Kreiger and Irwin Publishing Houses. In addition to numerous publications, Professor Taylor has been invited as a consultant and expert for such organizations as the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, the National Literacy Secretariat, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Human Resources Partnership Directorate, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Judicial Institute and St. John Ambulance. He has also received funding from the International Council for Canadian Studies through the Canada/United Kingdom University Partnership Program to continue his literacy research collaboration with the University of London, Institute of Education.
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