Megan Cotnam-Kappel

Megan Cotnam-Kappel
Megan Cotnam-Kappel
Research Chair on Digital Thriving in Franco-Ontarian Communities
Associate Professor
Associate to the Dean, Francophone portfolio

LMX 336
613-562-5800 ext. 6069

Megan Cotnam-Kappel holds the Research Chair on Digital Thriving in Franco-Ontarian Communities and is an associate professor and expert in educational technology and minority-language education in the Faculty of Education. She received doctoral degrees from l’Université de Corse Pascal Paoli and the University of Ottawa. She also completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research agenda targets the empowerment of youth and teachers through the development of their digital literacy skills. Her particular research interests include the development of skills related to the Maker movement and coding as well as digital citizenship. She is deeply committed to teaching and research that aims to close the digital use divide for minority groups across Canada.Professor Cotnam-Kappel is a member of the CHENINE team and a researcher with the Canadian Playful Schools Network (CPSN). She is the principal investigator of the Exploring the Digital Lives of Youth project.

Journals & other

Cotnam-Kappel, M., Estaiteyeh, M., & Vaughan, N. (2024). Technology and Teacher Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 50(4). 

Ventrella, F.M. & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2024). Examining digital capital and digital inequalities in Canadian elementary Schools: Insights from teachers, Telematics and Informatics

Lachaîne, C., & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2023). Pratiques éducatives ouvertes au postsecondaire en milieu minoritaire francophone au Canada: défis et possibilités pour viser l’équité linguistique. Open Technology in Education, Society and Scholarship Association Journal

Ciocca, J-L., & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2022). La planification dans l’action : Les trois actions du personnel enseignant pour planifier une activité Maker. Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill

HughesJ.,RobbJ. A., Hagerman, M. S., Laffier, J. & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2022). What makes a maker teacher? Examining key characteristics of two maker educators, International Journal of Educational Research Open

Hagerman, M. S., Cotnam-Kappel, M. & al. (2022). Literacies in the Making: Exploring Elementary Students’ Digital-Physical Meaning-Making Practices While Crafting Musical Instruments from Recycled Materials, Technology, Pedagogy and Education

Shonfeld, M., Cotnam-Kappel, M. & al. (2021). Learning in Digital Environments: a Model for Cross-Cultural Alignment, Educational Technology Research and Development

Research interests

  • Educational technology
  • Digital literacy
  • Minority and Francophonie studies