person being interviewed by journalist out of focus with news camera in focus

Members in the Media 2025


February 23 | Joel Westheimer | How to teach hope when democracy is retreating | The Conversation

February 22 | Sachin Maharaj | In a province as wealthy as Ontario, why are we sending our kids to schools that are falling apart? | Toronto Star

February 18 | Catherine Déri  |Superviser une recherche, ça s’apprend ! Affaires universitaires

February 13 | Emmanuel Duplàa | Serious Fun: Why Joy Matters in Modern Education - Deep Learning Dialogues | Acast

February 12 | Tracy Vaillancourt | #902 - Dr Tracy Vaillancourt - The Science Of Childhood Bullying & Adult Mental Health Modern Wisdom podcast | Player FM

February 6 | Awad Ibrahim | EDI in 2025: Black History Month as a call to action | University of Ottawa


January 30 | Robert-Falcon Ouellette | Former MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette to become Canadian military's 1st Indigenous Knowledge Keeper | CBC News

January 29 | Alice Levasseur | New professor brings expertise in school workplace wellness, teacher motivation and retention | uOttawa Faculty of Education

January 21 |Joël Thibeault | Enseignement de la grammaire et sa place dans le programme-cadre révisé de français | TA@l'école

January 19 | Joel Westheimer | Episode 60: Joel Westheimer | FooknConversation

January 9 | Joel Westheimer | Would Canada Be a Republican U.S. State? | Newsweek 

January 8 | Andy Hargreaves | The 2025 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Unveiled| EducationWeek