My main research interests are in the domains of counselling identity (including the collective identity of the profession of counselling in Canada as well as the individual professional identity of the counsellor), counselling supervision processes, and the experience of the therapist in the process of counselling. I favour qualitative research methods.
Nicola Gazzola

Gazzola, N., Buchanan, M., Sutherland, O, & Nuttgens, S. (2016). Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy in Canada
Journals & other
Gazzola, N., & Gignac, K. (2021). Counselling regulation, education, supervision, and representation in Canada. Special Issue on International Counselling and Counselling Supervision, Australian Counselling Research Journal, 15, 1-7.
Vance, A., Theriault, A., & Gazzola, N. (2021). Psychotherapist use-of-self in clinical supervision: A qualitative investigation of supervisor experiences, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 49 (4), 603-616.
Synard, J., & Gazzola, N. (2019). Moving towards positive well-being in the face of adversity: What factors explain individual variations in well-being following job loss?, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 41, 415-435.
Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.
Research interests
- Counsellors' professional identity
- Process research
- Counsellor education and supervision