Three students sitting around a laptop, smiling.

Practicum document requirements

To protect yourself, your students, your clients or patients, and your colleagues, you must provide the following documents to complete your risk management file prior to your practicum.


Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS) are required prior of the start of each placement.
If you don't provide the original VSS document by your deadline, you may not be allowed to start your placement.

Instructions by document type

Review the following instructions and provide all required documentation by the deadlines. 

You will receive detailed instructions about this requirement in an email when its time to start the process to obtain the VSS. Please wait for this communication before starting the process, otherwise you may need to repeat the process.

Faculty of Education - Declaration and Consent (2025-2026) Online form

The submission of this form is required once at the beginning of the program of study, prior to the start of the student's first placement.   

Police Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS)

You require a Police Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS) before each practicum.  The VSS includes a search for police involvement (CPIC) as well as a search for any sexual offence convictions for which an individual has received a pardon. We reserve the right to revoke admission offers and/or cancel your enrolment at any time based on the results of the VSS.

Your VSS must cover the last five years of your residency. This includes a VSS or equivalent for each country where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer during this period. If you have lived outside of Canada for six consecutive months or more in the past five years, please notify us by email at [email protected].

  • The only organizations authorized to conduct a VSS are local police services. 
  • Your VSS is a legal document, so your name must be the same on the VSS as in your uoZone Student Center.
  • The processing time can vary between 2 and 12 weeks, depending on the police service. To avoid delays, apply several weeks in advance of the deadline.
  • Remember to keep copies of all documents. The Faculty doesn't provide copies.  

Immunization – Counselling Psychology Program only

For some placement sites, students must meet immunization requirements before they start the practicum. The student is responsible for checking with their site supervisor to see if this applies to them.

If the practicum has been confirmed and immunizations are required, we strongly recommend that students make an appointment with a health-care professional as soon as possible. Some vaccines require several doses and/or serology reports, for which results can take several weeks.

Records provided must be dated and signed by your physician or other health care professional. Make sure to attach copies of serology reports, a chest x-ray report, and any other supporting documents, as applicable. Upon completion of immunization, it is your responsibility to keep copies of all your documents for yourself.

Please note that the agencies receiving you for your placement reserve the right to refuse access to students who do not meet their immunization requirements. If you do not meet or object to requirements, the faculty will be informed, and the agencies will decide if you have access for placement purposes.