- An issue will comprise five (5) to eight (8) articles and not exceed 5000 words per article in length (quotations, tables, notes and references are not included in the total).
- The articles will be published in the language it was written. Nevertheless, the introduction to the issue and the abstract will be written in both official languages.
The guest editors will be responsible for soliciting manuscripts that correspond with a selected theme for the issue, organizing the peer-reviewed process, and editing the manuscripts. Guest editors will submit final versions of the manuscripts to the Vice-Dean for final review and approval.
Proposals will be judged on their quality, relevance, and potential appeal to the target audience. The issue should include:
- title and description of the proposed theme for the issue;
- names of guest editor(s) and potential contributors, along with their institutional affiliations;
- provisional titles of possible articles for the issue;
- a description of the peer-review process and the names of individuals who will participate in the process, along with their institutional affiliations;
- a timeline for the compilation, review, and editing of manuscripts and final submission date to the editorial committee comprising one regular francophone professor and one regular anglophone professor.