Services offered to graduate students

Graduate studies computers

Computers reserved for Faculty of Education Graduate Students are located on Lees Campus in rooms LEES B202 and LEES B215K. These computers are available whenever the building is accessible. The Faculty of Education Resource Centre provides tech support for and administration of these computers. The access codes for the labs and all the information regarding your computer account for these computers will be given to you upon presentation of your University of Ottawa student card at the Resource Centre.

The workstations available at the Lees Campus are similar, as for software and hardware, to the ones installed in the Resource Centre. However some graduate studies specialized software are installed. 

Computer and multimedia equipment

The Centre's computer and multimedia equipment is usually available under the same loan conditions as for undergraduate students, but by special request some equipment might be loaned for a longer period depending on the assignment or the project and the availability of equipment.

Please note that some equipment must be used within Lamoureux Hall.

Resources for graduate studies

Many relevant resources for graduate students are located in Morisset Library. Consult the Education Lib Guides for more information about available resources.

Resource centre staff

The staff of the Resource Centre will be pleased to help you find the print and electronic resources and technologies you need. Ask the circulation desk staff to direct you to the right person or send us an e-mail to make an appointment or ask a question.