S-T-E-A-M! The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
May 30, 2022 — All day
Researchers from the Center for Educational Technology (CET), Oranim College of Education, and University of Ottawa's Faculty of Education discuss the why, what, and how to integrate S-T-E-A-M in teacher education programs and school curriculum with a focus on elementary school. This event is hosted by Olga Fellus, PhD, from the University of Ottawa, Yaniv Biton, PhD, Head of the Mathematics Department at CET, and Ruti Segal, PhD, Department Chair of the Master's program in Primary School Mathematics and Science at the Oranim College of Education. Register for this event happening on May 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM EST (4:00 PM IS).

9:00 - 9:05 AM EST (4:00- 4:05 PM IS)
Opening Remarks
Lilach Lev-Ari, Dean of theFaculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College of Education
9:05 - 9:10 AM EST(4:05- 4:10PM IS)
Opening Remarks
Richard Barwell, Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
9:10 - 9:40 AM EST (4:10 - 4:40 PM IS)
STEM is A Story
Dan Meyer, Keynote speaker:
Summary: Students often like the "A" more than the "STEM" in "STEAM," especially stories. They spend their spare money consuming stories and their spare time producing them. Cognitive psychologists also identify stories as “psychologically privileged,” a particularly powerful vehicle for learning. We'll discuss three ways we can adapt the structure of stories for our learning of math.
9:40 - 10:10 AM EST (4:40 - 5:10 PM IS)
STEAM in Teacher Education Programs
Ruti Segal,Department Chair of the Master's program in Primary School Mathematics and Science, Oranim College of Education
Yaniv Biton,Head of the Mathematics Department, CET
10:10 - 10:30 AM EST (5:10 - 5:30 PM IS)
STEAM Forward: Arts, Fractions, and the Concept of Infinity
Olga Fellus, Part-Time Professor, University of Ottawa
10:30 - 10:50 AM EST (5:30 - 5:50 PM IS)
Breakout rooms & interactive document for discussions and questions to speakers
10:50 - 11:00 AM EST (5:50 - 6:00 PM IS)
Q&A from interactive document: STEAM! From Theory to Practice
Boaz Silverman, Content Developer, CET

Yaniv Biton, PhD
Head of Mathematics Education at the CET
Yaniv Biton is the Head of Mathematics Education at the Center for Educational Technology (CET), a non-profit organization that promotes innovative learning by introducing solutions that integrate pedagogical innovation, relevant content, and advanced technologies. He is currently leading a team that develops K-12 printed, digital, and hybrid mathematical content for CET. Through his work with in-service and pre-service teachers, he promotes effective and efficient integration of diverse innovative technologies in K-12 mathematics education. He also develops massive open online courses (MOOC) for teachers on pedagogies in mathematics. Yaniv Biton is also a mathematics teacher educator at the Shaanan College of Education, Haifa, Israel. His research focuses on assessment and technology in mathematics education, adaptive learning systems, and learning mathematics on social networks. He serves in master’s and doctoral thesis committees in mathematics education. He is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Research and Scholarship in Mathematics Education (in Hebrew). The journal includes entries on the Mathematics Olympiad, mathematical concepts, the human side of mathematics, pedagogies in mathematics, and research reports.

Olga Fellus, PhD
Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa
Olga Fellus holds a doctoral degree in Education – Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation, and M.Ed. in TESOL, and an M.A. in Translation and Interpreting. She also has two teaching diplomas, with over 20 years of experience as a teacher, teacher educator, and researcher, she has developed a deep interest in learning theories and educational change with a particular focus in mathematics education. Professor Fellus has published more than 50 scientific articles in journals and conferences. Her recent publications include: Closing the gap on the map: Davydov’s contribution to current Early Algebra discourse, which was co-authored with Viktor Freiman and published in Educational Studies in Mathematics; and Connecting the dots: Toward a four-dimensional conceptualization and operationalization of identity in mathematics education, which was published in ZDM Mathematics Education. She currently serves as the elected Program Chair for the AERA Educational Change SIG and was past editor of the Educational Change SIG Lead the Change series. She is also the Book Editor of the Journal of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies and is JCACS Interview Team Lead for the Curriculum Without Borders YouTube channel.

Dan Meyer, PhD
Dean of Research at Desmos, a math education startup
Dan Meyer taught secondary math to students who did not like the topic and drew novel techniques for teaching the subject from the perspective of the arts and humanities. He has advocated for those techniques on CNN, Good Morning America, Everyday With Rachel Ray, and TED.com. He earned his doctorate from Stanford University in math education and is the Dean of Research at Desmos, a math education startup, where he explores the future of math, technology, and learning. He has worked with teachers around the world and calls California home.

Ruti Segal, PhD
Department Chair of the Master's program in Primary School Mathematics and Science
Ruti Segal teaches Mathematics Education at the Oranim College of Education, Tivon, as well as at Shaanan College of Education, Haifa, Israel. Her research focuses on exploring teachers’ professional development and teachers’ mathematical and pedagogical knowledge; surfacing processes in mathematics-oriented techno-pedagogical content knowledge; and improving professional development for pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. As a member of a research team in the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion, she has been investigating teachers’ professional development within a learning community of experts. She has also been working on incorporating humanized mathematics into high school mathematics education through the Mathematical News Snapshots initiative. As an academic advisor for the Video and Didactic (Vidactica) project that she conducted at the Weizmann Institute of Science, she studied how self-videotaping a lesson and subsequently carrying out a curiosity-driven discourse can enhance teachers’ professional development.

Boaz Silverman, PhD
Curriculum developer and teacher educator at the CET
Boaz Silverman is a co-founder of Young Israeli Researchers in Math Education (YIRME). He earned his PhD in Mathematics Education from the Weizmann Institute of Science and conducted his post-doctoral research at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests involve mainly the interplay of learning disabilities and mathematics and the role of context in the learning of mathematics.