Sachin Maharaj, PhD (Toronto), is an assistant professor of Educational Leadership, Policy and Program Evaluation.His research, which focuses on student phone use in schools, the work of school boards/districts, teacher unions, and the equity implications of school choice has been published in Critical Education, Education Policy Analysis Archives, Leadership and Policy in Schools, and the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. Professor Maharaj is also a contributor to the Toronto Star and regularly appears in media outlets like CBC, CTV, Al Jazeera, Maclean’s and TVO. His current research projects examine anti-racist school district reforms and the implementation of policies to restrict student cellphone use in schools.
Sachin Maharaj
Journals & other
Maharaj, S., Tuters, S., Shah, V. (2024) Anti-CRT attacks, school choice, and the privatization endgame. Critical Education, 15(2), 29-36.
Maharaj, S., & Zareey, S. (2022). The other side of the tracks: How academic streaming impacts student relationships. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30 (118).
Maharaj, S. & Bascia N (2021), Teachers’ organizations and educational reform: Resistance and beyond, Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 196, 34-48.
Maharaj, S. (2020), From oversight to advocacy: An examination of school board leadership, Leadership and Policy in Schools, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 19 (3), 431-443.
Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.
Research interests
- School Boards
- School Choice
- Teacher Unions
- Educational Policy