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Simon Kitto
Cross-Appointment Professor

Simon Kitto is a medical sociologist who has been working in health professions education research since 2002. He is a Full Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Department of Innovation in Medical Education and the Director of Research in the Office of Continuing Professional Development, as well as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Surgery, University of Toronto and have held a position as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Surgery at Monash University since 2003. His main research interests are studying how structural, historical and socio-cultural variables shape educational setting, activities and interprofessional clinical practice. This often involves studying phenomena related to identity formation, competency acquisition and performance and profession-based knowledge production within team contexts. His current research focuses on the nature and role of continuing interprofessional education and practice within the nexus of patient safety, quality improvement and implementation science intervention design and practice. His work has gathered active attention internationally resulting in invitations to present his work in the UK, Australasia, North America and Europe. Recent international collaborations include invited presentations, workshops and keynotes in Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denver, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Norway and the Netherlands. Professor Kitto has published 93 research articles, several reports, chapters and books. The most recent publications focus on improving the conceptualization and practice of Conintuing Professional Development (CPD) interventions through rigorous guideline development; and identifying the barriers and facilitators to integrating CPD within, quality improvement, patient safety and knowledge translation initiatives. Professor Kitto is also an associate editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care and the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.

Journals & other

Kitto, S., Grant, R.E., Peller, J. &al. (2018). What’s in a name? Tensions between formal and informal communities of practice among regional subspecialty cancer surgeons, Advances in Health Sciences Education23, 95–113.

Kitto, S., Grant, R., &al. (2017). The Relationship Between Specialty Certification of Individual Nurses and Outcomes: Developing a Standardized Taxonomy for Research. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47 (5), 245-247.

Wong, R., Kitto, S., Whitehead, C. (2016). Other ways of knowing: Using critical discourse analysis to reexamine intraprofessional collaboration, Canadian Family Physician/Le Médecin de famille canadien, 64, 701-703.