The Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa’s partners include teachers, principals, school board administrators and several organizations in the province.

Teacher Education

Welcome to the two-year Bachelor of Education Program at the University of Ottawa. Thank you for supporting teacher candidates. We look forward to continued collaboration!

If you are looking for information about "programme de Formation à l’enseignement ", visit our French page.

Practicum experiences reflect a clear and consistent link between theory and practice. Practicum is a developmental and collaborative process between the teacher candidate, the associate teacher, the faculty supervisor and the school community. The commitment, expertise, and understanding of Associate Teachers are essential in the development of future teachers. This guidebook is designed to provide teacher candidates, associate teachers, faculty supervisors and school partners an overview of the practicum experience.

Associate teachers

Associate teachers have the necessary teaching experience and the interpersonal and communication skills to mentor teacher candidates over a period of time and to evaluate their progress towards becoming teachers.

The role of the associate teacher involves guiding and supporting the professional development of the teacher candidate. Providing daily/weekly constructive feedback is essential.

Associate Teachers have:

  • At least two years of teaching experience;
  • In good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers;
  • Have their principal’s approval;
  • Be willing to act as a mentor, supporting the development of a teacher candidate or candidates;
  • Be open to a co-planning, co-teaching approach to model effective teaching strategies;
  • Be able to work within a collaborative community of inquiry with a teacher candidate or candidates and their Faculty representative(s);
  • Be aware of individual differences in teaching styles, personality and values; and
  • Have a love of teaching and a generosity of spirit to give back to the profession and to help make a difference in the development of the next generation of teachers.

Matching of teacher candidates with associate teachers reflects both division and subject areas of expertise. Associate teachers can host one or two teacher candidates during the practicum.

In a high school, teacher candidates may have more than one associate teacher in a department, to promote a collaborative planning and teaching model.

Teacher candidates should be assessed as developing teachers rather than in comparison to experienced teachers. Having interim and final reports reflects the developmental nature of learning to teach.

  • Practicum Interim Report (PDF, 277 KB) Download and save this form. Open it from your desktop to complete it and save your changes.
  • Final Report (PDF, 150KB) Download and save this form. Open it from your desktop to complete it and save your changes.
  • Letter of Concern (PDF, 42.9KB)