Dr. Daneshfar received his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from University of Ottawa in quantitative methods for spatial data integration for potential mapping. He has been working on applying geostatistics, Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing for spatial data modeling and analysis in many scientific projects. Dr. Daneshfar has taught graduate and undergraduate courses related to quantitative spatial data analysis at the University of Ottawa and has offered several workshops related to this field. He has been working at the Earth Observation Sector of the Science and Technology branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In 2016 he has received a Public Service Award of Excellence as one of the team members who developed an innovative national yield modeling method using satellite technology.
Bahram Daneshfar

Adjunct Professor
Ph.D. (University of Ottawa)
M.Sc. (University of Tehran)
B.Sc. (Université de Téhéran)
Research interests
- Applied geostatistics
- Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in science and engineering
- Quantitative spatial data analysis and modeling
- Applied remote sensing
- Agri-environmental modelling