Courses and learning

Our entrepreneurial design courses give students the chance to turn brilliant ideas into business ventures in a step-by-step framework, equipping them with the tools and the skills needed. The courses offered are open to all engineering students.

Design courses with industry and clients

GNG 1103 - Introduction to Engineering Design

  • Controlled interaction with clients.
  • One client per section, meet clients 3 times.
  • Approximately 600 students enrolled per year.
  • See previous GNG 1103 projects

GNG 2101 - Introduction to Product Development

  • Each student group has a client.
  • Teams go and meet clients.
  • At least 3 meetings with clients off campus.
  • Approximately 350 students enrolled per year.
  • See previous GNG 2102 projects

GNG 4120 - Introduction to Technology Entrepreneurship

  • Students find clients.
  • Students meet with 4 potential customers per week for 6 weeks.
  • Approximately 200 students enrolled per year.

GNG 4100 - Design Studio

  • Teaching the implication of design implementation, organization and salesmanship.
  • Designed for engineering students who participate in collegiate design competitions.
  • See GNG 4100 design teams

Learning opportunities

We offer several programs and initiatives to help students develop their design and entrepreneurship skills.

  • Our entrepreneurial ecosystem provides several programs to develop entrepreneurial skills such as Simon Nehme Summer Entrepreneurship School, the entrepreneurship internship and many more
  • Our design spaces provide several training workshops every week in Makerlab, Manufacturing Training Centre (MTC) and the Richard L’abbe Makerspace.