If you are planning on presenting a publication directly related to your thesis at a conference, you may be eligible for a travel grant.

Grant Details

Eligible students include Master’s with thesis option students; doctoral students and students enrolled in a “fast-track” program. Consult the relevant section below for more details on eligibility criteria.

Value: Up to $800

Deadline: Prior to leaving

Before the conference: Send us a completed application form that corresponds to your status and all required documentation. Eligibility conditions are detailed below, you will also have to identify your geographical zone.

Information symbol


The budget is now depleted for all travel grant requests (Conference and Research). The link to submit a request has been deactivated.

Student type


The Faculty of Engineering recognizes the importance of sharing the research findings of master's with thesis students with the broader scientific community. To this end, the Faculty awards travel grants to these individuals so that they can present the results of their research closely related to the thesis at major conferences. The program also provides an opportunity to exchange with other researchers in one's field.


Master's with thesis students applying for a conference travel grant must:

  • Be registered in the Faculty of Engineering full time in a thesis program at the time of the conference;
  • Present their research at the conference within the first six terms from their initial registration in the Master's program.


  • A student can only be awarded one grant through the completion of their program;
  • This grant can only be used to cover the cost of transportation (train, plane, bus, taxi, kilometers or other), and at the most economical rate possible. No other travel expenses are eligible;
  • The maximum amount awarded varies according to the conference location (see map (PDF, 734KB)).
  • Conferences taking place in the Ottawa-Gatineau area are not eligible;
  • For students who are not departing from Ottawa to attend the conference (e.g. exchange, internship, mobility, or in cotutelle at a host institution), the maximum amount awarded varies according to the distance travelled from the location of the host institution;
  • The publication and presentation must deal with research results obtained during the current program and be related to the thesis;
  • The applicant must be the first author (as listed on the official publication or conference documents) and the presenter;
  • The applicant must obtain a financial contribution for the trip (a minimum of $100 is required) from their academic unit or supervisor.


  • All applications must be submitted before the first day (official date) of the conference. No application will be considered eligible if received at the Faculty of Engineering, Graduate Studies Office after the beginning of the conference. It is recommended to submit the complete application 30 days prior to the conference in order to receive a decision prior to departure.
  • Only complete applications will be processed. Incomplete applications will be rejected. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that all the required documentation, confirmation of financial contribution, and all signatures are provided with the application. If the application is refused, the student has the possibility to resubmit a second complete application.
  • Students can submit only one application per conference.


  • Submit your application by email by sending the scanned documents to [email protected]. Use "Conference travel grants" as the email subject line.
  • Wait for the acceptance or refusal letter from the Vice-Dean Graduate, Faculty of Engineering, by email (copies will also be sent to the academic unit and the Supervisor).
  • After the conference, complete the Request for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses form and return it with the original receipts (including boarding passes) and a proof of attendance at the conference, to your Academic Unit\Department.
    • Include a proof of exchange rates used if appropriate. The applicant will receive the reimbursement.
  • The amount awarded is the lowest between:
    • the actual cost of the transportation; or
    • the amount appearing on the geographic map.

Supporting documents

Supporting documents are to be submitted with the application (prior to the conference).

  • A complete and signed application form with confirmed financial contribution and a detailed recommendation from the Supervisor;
  • An abstract of the publication to be presented;
  • A formal indication of the list of authors (cover page of publication or extract from the conference documentation or exchanges with the conference organizers that evidence the relevant publication and the list of authors);
  • A written proof that the publication has been accepted for presentation at the conference (issue by the conference organizers);

After the conference

Bring to your Academic Unit\Department a breakdown of your travel expenses and the accompanying documents found on the Reimbursement of travel expenses website.

For inquiries, contact us at [email protected]

The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the Faculty of Engineering.

Contact us

Academic Unit and Department coordinates


Luc Cloutier
Administrative Officer
Room: CBY A106
[email protected]


Chantal Dubé
Administrative Officer
Room: CBY A412
[email protected]


Michelle Le Gallez
Room: CBY A205
Administrative Officer
[email protected]


Dorota Walczak
Administrative Officer
Room: STE 5090
[email protected]