Mechanical engineers are responsible for a wide range of mechanical, energy, aeronautical, naval, thermal and biomedical systems and devices—from computer parts to power plants, manufacturing systems and spacecraft. This is a broad-based area of engineering with career opportunities in almost every industrial sector, including high tech, aerospace, materials, manufacturing, automotive, energy, ship building, biomedical and consulting. The program provides state-of-the-art education and cuttingedge research opportunities in all core areas of mechanical engineering, including materials, solid mechanics, design and thermofluids.

Mechanical Engineering
Degrees offered in this discipline
Master's options
Doctorate (PhD)
Graduate diploma
Studies made for you
Degree options
- Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering (MASc)
- Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (CO-OP option available)
- Doctorate in Philosophy Mechanical Engineering
The master's program includes a CO-OP option, which provides two consecutive terms of valuable industry experience.
CO-OP program requirements, employers, salaries, and details
Key research themes
- Biomedical engineering
- Dynamics, controls, automation and robotics
- Thermal and fluids engineering
- Materials and manufacturing engineering
- Solid mechanics and design engineering
- Aeronautical and space engineering
These programs are only offered in English.
Career opportunities
Discover where graduate studies could take you.
- Aeronautical/aerospace engineer
- Automotive engineer
- Manufacturing engineer
- Robotics/automation/controls engineer
- Energy systems engineer
- Biomedical engineer
- Consulting engineer
- Renewable energy engineer
Questions about graduate studies?
Graduate studies office
Phone: 613-562-5347