Expand your career opportunities. Stand out as a specialist in fields like artificial intelligence or cybersecurity by enrolling in a graduate-level microprogram you can complete in four to eight months.

About graduate microprograms

These programs offer you

  • Certified recognition of your expertise with an official statement of studies letter issued by InfoService upon request.
  • Direct access to a network of experts in the field.
  • A gateway to further graduate studies. Units you earn in each microprogram are stackable and can be credited towards a master’s program.


  • Graduate students (add a microprogram to your program of study)
  • Eligible undergraduate students (as part of an undergraduate degree)
  • Anyone working in industry, with the right background, interested in acquiring or updating specialized skills and knowledge without committing to a full degree program (receive a certified recognition of your expertise, with an official statement of studies letter issued by InfoService upon request)