By-Law 1
(1986 - Revised 1993, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010x2, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021)
A By-Law relating to the membership, mandate and operation of the Faculty Council
Members of the Faculty Council come from the following categories: Faculty officers, department chairs, school directors, associate chairs or directors, elected regular teaching staff members, elected part time professors, elected students.
- The officers of the Faculty are the Dean and Vice-Deans.
- Each academic unit having less than 5% of the regular teaching staff (regular faculty members and part-time academic staff holding a long term appointment) in the Faculty shall elect to the Council one regular teaching staff member per percentage point or part thereof.
- Each academic unit having between 5% and 25% of the regular teaching staff in the faculty shall elect to the Council 5 regular teaching staff members.
- Each academic unit having more than 25% of the regular teaching staff in the faculty shall elect to the Council 5 regular teaching staff members, plus one additional regular teaching staff member for each additional 5 percentage points (or part thereof) beyond 25.
- At least 60% of the members elected from each academic unit shall be tenured professors, unless there are insufficient tenured professors willing to run for election.
- Regular teaching staff members shall serve a three-year renewable term, and at least one member is to be elected each year.
- Regular teaching staff members’ mandates last for 36 months starting from the month they are elected.
- When a regular teaching staff member’s seat becomes vacant, a replacement member shall be formally elected in the department or school of the former member, to complete the original term.
- Each department or school establishes its own election procedure.
- The regular teaching staff members elected to the Senate, if not already a member of the Council, shall be invited to all meetings.
No one may sit on the Faculty Council in a dual capacity.
- Department chairs or school directors holding another office that makes them ex-officio members of the Council shall sit in their capacity of Department chair or school director, and the ex-officio seat shall remain vacant. When a chair or school director who is also a Vice-Dean chairs a meeting in the absence of the Dean, the chair or school director then sits as Vice-Dean only.
- Elected regular teaching staff members who are appointed to an office that makes them ex-officio members of the Council shall resign their seat, which will be filled by a new election.
- A student member who is also elected as a part-time professor, or vice-versa, is considered to have resigned their former role when they are elected in their new role.
One graduate and two undergraduate students shall be elected by their peers from each academic unit that offers academic programs but has less than 30 percent of the regular teaching staff. Two graduate and four undergraduate students shall be elected by their peers from each academic unit having 30 percent or more of the regular teaching staff.
- Only full-time students registered in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa are eligible.
- Students serve a one-year term, from the time they are elected (generally in spring) until the next election.
- The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty shall act as returning officer for the elections.
- Unfilled or vacated student seats may be filled by holding by-elections.
Two part time professors shall be elected by their peers in the Faculty of Engineering.
- The part time professors shall not include Long Term Appointments (LTAs), who will be instead be included among regular teaching staff as per article 1.1.1.
- Part time professors teaching in the term of the election, and/or who have taught during at least one of the two previous terms, may run and vote in the election.
- Part-time professors serve a one-year term, from the time they are elected (generally in Autumn) until the next election.
- The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty shall act as returning officer for the elections.
- Unfilled or vacated part-time professor seats may be filled by holding by-elections.
The Dean of the Faculty serves as Council Chair. In his or her absence, the Vice-Dean (Research) or the Dean’s delegate shall chair the meeting.
The Chair of the Council has the right to vote; in the event of a tie vote, the motion shall be considered defeated.
The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty acts as Council Secretary. In his or her absence, the Council shall elect a temporary secretary among the members present.
Quorum consists of 18 voting members from the Council at the time of the meeting.
At least four Council meetings shall be held between September 1 and May 31. Upon written request of one quarter or more of the Council members, the Chair shall call a special meeting of the Council within 15 working days. Electronic votes may be held if urgent matters need to be decided between Council meetings.
The minutes of Faculty Council meetings shall be distributed to Council members and posted on the Faculty website.
Without limiting the generality of its powers under the University of Ottawa Act, the Faculty Council shall have the following mandate:
Establish, subject to approval by the Executive Committee of the Senate, its own by-laws for the conduct of meetings and for the holding of elections.
Establish an Executive Committee and any standing or ad-hoc committees it finds necessary; define the powers, the functions and, unless University regulations dictate otherwise, the membership of these bodies.
Make appropriate recommendations to the Senate on the:
- Faculty’s admission policy and requirements
- Programs leading to degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the Senate on the recommendation of the Council
- Requirements for student promotion
- Presentation of candidates for degrees
Ensure that the provisions of the University of Ottawa Act and that the regulations of the Board of Governors, of the Senate and of the Faculty Council are observed.
Make recommendations to the Senate and the Board of Governors to further the progress of the Faculty.
Notice of a Faculty Council meeting shall be distributed to all members of the Council and to the teaching staff one week before the meeting. The notice shall include the agenda of the meeting.
General motions require a simple majority vote to pass; amendments to By-Laws shall require a two-thirds majority vote. To have a motion included in the agenda, members must give written notice to the Dean 15 days before the meeting. A motion not on the agenda cannot be discussed unless at least two-thirds of the members present agree otherwise.
No amendment to this By-Law can be voted on unless a written notice, including the proposed amendment, has been given to all members of the Faculty Council and the teaching staff at least 30 days before the meeting at which the vote will be held.
Subject to approval by the University Senate, this By-Law shall come into force on 15/01/2019.