By-Law 1

(1986 - Revised 1993, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010x2, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021)

A By-Law relating to the membership, mandate and operation of the Faculty Council


Members of the Faculty Council come from the following categories: Faculty officers, department chairs, school directors, associate chairs or directors, elected regular teaching staff members, elected part time professors, elected students.

  1. The officers of the Faculty are the Dean and Vice-Deans.
  2. Each academic unit having less than 5% of the regular teaching staff (regular faculty members and part-time academic staff holding a long term appointment) in the Faculty shall elect to the Council one regular teaching staff member per percentage point or part thereof.
  3. Each academic unit having between 5% and 25% of the regular teaching staff in the faculty shall elect to the Council 5 regular teaching staff members.
  4. Each academic unit having more than 25% of the regular teaching staff in the faculty shall elect to the Council 5 regular teaching staff members, plus one additional regular teaching staff member for each additional 5 percentage points (or part thereof) beyond 25.
  5. At least 60% of the members elected from each academic unit shall be tenured professors, unless there are insufficient tenured professors willing to run for election.
  6. Regular teaching staff members shall serve a three-year renewable term, and at least one member is to be elected each year.
  7. Regular teaching staff members’ mandates last for 36 months starting from the month they are elected.
  8. When a regular teaching staff member’s seat becomes vacant, a replacement member shall be formally elected in the department or school of the former member, to complete the original term.
  9. Each department or school establishes its own election procedure.
  10. The regular teaching staff members elected to the Senate, if not already a member of the Council, shall be invited to all meetings.


No one may sit on the Faculty Council in a dual capacity.

  1. Department chairs or school directors holding another office that makes them ex-officio members of the Council shall sit in their capacity of Department chair or school director, and the ex-officio seat shall remain vacant. When a chair or school director who is also a Vice-Dean chairs a meeting in the absence of the Dean, the chair or school director then sits as Vice-Dean only.
  2. Elected regular teaching staff members who are appointed to an office that makes them ex-officio members of the Council shall resign their seat, which will be filled by a new election.
  3. A student member who is also elected as a part-time professor, or vice-versa, is considered to have resigned their former role when they are elected in their new role.


One graduate and two undergraduate students shall be elected by their peers from each academic unit that offers academic programs but has less than 30 percent of the regular teaching staff. Two graduate and four undergraduate students shall be elected by their peers from each academic unit having 30 percent or more of the regular teaching staff.

  1. Only full-time students registered in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa are eligible.
  2. Students serve a one-year term, from the time they are elected (generally in spring) until the next election.
  3. The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty shall act as returning officer for the elections.
  4. Unfilled or vacated student seats may be filled by holding by-elections.


Two part time professors shall be elected by their peers in the Faculty of Engineering.

  1. The part time professors shall not include Long Term Appointments (LTAs), who will be instead be included among regular teaching staff as per article 1.1.1.
  2. Part time professors teaching in the term of the election, and/or who have taught during at least one of the two previous terms, may run and vote in the election.
  3. Part-time professors serve a one-year term, from the time they are elected (generally in Autumn) until the next election.
  4. The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty shall act as returning officer for the elections.
  5. Unfilled or vacated part-time professor seats may be filled by holding by-elections.


The Dean of the Faculty serves as Council Chair. In his or her absence, the Vice-Dean (Research) or the Dean’s delegate shall chair the meeting.


The Chair of the Council has the right to vote; in the event of a tie vote, the motion shall be considered defeated.


The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty acts as Council Secretary. In his or her absence, the Council shall elect a temporary secretary among the members present.


Quorum consists of 18 voting members from the Council at the time of the meeting.


At least four Council meetings shall be held between September 1 and May 31. Upon written request of one quarter or more of the Council members, the Chair shall call a special meeting of the Council within 15 working days. Electronic votes may be held if urgent matters need to be decided between Council meetings.


The minutes of Faculty Council meetings shall be distributed to Council members and posted on the Faculty website.


Without limiting the generality of its powers under the University of Ottawa Act, the Faculty Council shall have the following mandate:


Establish, subject to approval by the Executive Committee of the Senate, its own by-laws for the conduct of meetings and for the holding of elections.


Establish an Executive Committee and any standing or ad-hoc committees it finds necessary; define the powers, the functions and, unless University regulations dictate otherwise, the membership of these bodies.


Make appropriate recommendations to the Senate on the:

  1. Faculty’s admission policy and requirements
  2. Programs leading to degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the Senate on the recommendation of the Council
  3. Requirements for student promotion
  4. Presentation of candidates for degrees


Ensure that the provisions of the University of Ottawa Act and that the regulations of the Board of Governors, of the Senate and of the Faculty Council are observed.


Make recommendations to the Senate and the Board of Governors to further the progress of the Faculty.


Notice of a Faculty Council meeting shall be distributed to all members of the Council and to the teaching staff one week before the meeting. The notice shall include the agenda of the meeting.


General motions require a simple majority vote to pass; amendments to By-Laws shall require a two-thirds majority vote. To have a motion included in the agenda, members must give written notice to the Dean 15 days before the meeting. A motion not on the agenda cannot be discussed unless at least two-thirds of the members present agree otherwise.


No amendment to this By-Law can be voted on unless a written notice, including the proposed amendment, has been given to all members of the Faculty Council and the teaching staff at least 30 days before the meeting at which the vote will be held.


Subject to approval by the University Senate, this By-Law shall come into force on 15/01/2019.

By-Law 2

(1986 - Revised 1996, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2010x2, 2013, 2017, 2019)

A By-Law relating to the composition, organization and jurisdiction of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council


The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall be composed of:

  1. The Dean who shall be the Chair.
  2. The Vice-Dean (Research), who in the absence of the Dean, shall act as Chair.
  3. The Vice-Dean (Governance) of the Faculty who shall act as secretary of the Committee.
  4. All other Vice-Deans, as enumerated in By-law No 1.
  5. All department chairs, school directors, and one associate chair or associate director for each academic unit having more than 30% of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty.
  6. Ex officio members (without voting privileges, who will be invited to attend every meeting, but will not be obliged to attend):
    • the Chief Administrative Officer
    • the Assistant to the Dean
    • such other officers and managers as determined by the Dean and Vice Deans each academic year, in consultation with such officers and managers


A majority of all the voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.


The Chair of the Committee shall be entitled to vote at all meetings and, in the event of a tie vote, shall have a second or casting vote.

2.2.1 Mandate of the Committee

The mandate of the Executive Committee shall be the following, to:

  1. Administer the Faculty in accordance with the policies established by the Faculty Council and the general policies established by the Senate and the Board of Governors of the University and, subject to the collective agreement between the University and the A.P.U.O., to act on all matters judged to be essential for the proper operation of the Faculty.
  2. Prepare any draft by-laws that it deems to be necessary, or of some benefit to the Faculty, for submission to the Faculty Council.
  3. Approve the general budget estimates for the Faculty and, as need may be, to verify their implementation.
  4. Nominate persons to be considered by Council for membership on standing committees of the Faculty.
  5. Review the projected student enrolment and to recommend to Faculty Council the establishment of priorities with respect to the expansion of existing programs or the establishment of new programs within the Faculty.
  6. Study the policies and regulations of the University with respect to bilingualism, and to apply such policies to the Faculty.
  7. Deal with all matters relating to the effectiveness of teaching in the Faculty.
  8. Make decisions regarding the disbursement of funds from the Faculty of Engineering Development Fund, following submissions by the academic units and Faculty services, in accordance with the terms of By-law 3.3.
  9. Act for the Faculty Council on urgent matters between meetings of the Council and to report back to Council at the next meeting.
  10. Discharge other responsibilities as the Faculty Council may entrust to it from time to time.
  11. Report back to Council on its decisions.


Subject to approval by the University Senate, this By-Law shall come into force on 15/01/2019.

By-Law 3

(1986 - Revised 1993, 1998-2006, 2007, 2010x2, 2012, 2017, 2019)

A By-Law relating to the composition, organization and mandate of the Standing Committees in the Faculty of Engineering


The present By-Law describes the standing committees which the Faculty Council has deemed necessary to create.

The membership of these committees is decided by Faculty Council, and except where otherwise indicated, is open to all members of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty and to all its students. To ensure as wide a knowledge of and participation in Faculty affairs as possible on the part of the regular teaching staff, it is desirable to establish a rotation of membership on these committees.

The Faculty Executive Committee will appoint committee members as the terms of members expire.

The Dean of the Faculty shall receive a copy of the agenda and the minutes of all meetings. The chair of a committee, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty, can decide to submit a report to the Council. In general, these reports should be in writing with well formulated proposals and should be pre-circulated to all Council members.

All committees have the powers and privileges delegated to them by Faculty Council and in general make recommendations to the Council.

3.1 Curriculum Committee

3.1.1 Mandate of the Committee

  1. To study all changes, deletions, and new offerings of baccalaureate programs, and/or courses submitted by the departments and/or schools, and to make recommendations concerning them to the Faculty Council.
  2. To study any problem which might arise out of the programs, and to make appropriate recommendations to Faculty Council.


The committee can create such sub-committees as it deems appropriate for the study of particular issues, such as service courses, non-science elective courses and degree programs offered jointly by more than one department.

3.1.3 Membership

  • The Vice-Dean (Undergraduate Studies) or the Dean’s delegate-Chair
  • One representative from each academic unit having 30% or less of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty, and two representatives of each academic unit having more than 30% of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty, including normally the Chair of the relevant academic unit’s Curriculum Committee
  • Two undergraduate students elected by Faculty Council


The term of office of student members shall be for one year from the date of their election.


A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

3.2 Committee on academic standing

3.2.1 Mandate of the Committee

  1. To make decisions on appropriate measures to be taken regarding the academic standing of individual students.
  2. To follow up regarding matters raised by the Senate Appeals Committee after a student appeals to the Senate.


This committee can create such sub-committees as it deems necessary for the study of specific issues.

3.2.3 Membership

  • The Vice-Dean (Undergraduate Studies) or the Dean’s delegate (Chair)
  • The Administrator of the Undergraduate Studies Office
  • An Academic Advisor
  • The Chair/Director, or his delegate, of the program in which a student under discussion is enrolled


The delegate of a Chair/Director may change from meeting to meeting, depending on the agenda of that meeting.


A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

3.3 Faculty of Engineering Development Fund

3.3.1 Mandate

The role of the former Faculty of Engineering Development Fund Committee to be fulfilled by the Executive Committee as per By-Law 2. The following Articles describe the rules.

3.3.2 Types of Projects

  1. The following is a general list of types of projects which could be considered for funding from the Fund (the order of the projects below does not imply any hierarchy of priorities):
    1. Upgrading of equipment in undergraduate laboratories.
    2. Establishment of modular teaching resources to assist students in specific undergraduate courses (including the development of computer-based training modules, or special courses and/or tutorial notes).
    3. Upgrading of equipment used principally or exclusively for teaching purposes in Faculty, School or Departmental laboratories that permit Faculty-wide student access.
    4. Travel and other expenses for professors who may wish to learn special techniques for their teaching in the laboratory or in the classroom.
    5. Support of graduate students registered in the Faculty of Engineering in cases where the supervisor is no longer able to provide support due to unforeseen loss of funding (grants). It is understood that application to the Faculty of Engineering Development Fund represents a “last resort” in acquiring graduate student support. The supervisor must demonstrate a direct link between the loss of funding and his or her inability to support the student from any other existing sources.
  2. Item ( will only be considered in cases where an application has also been made to other funding sources that require matching Faculty contributions.

3.3.3 Submission of Proposals

  1. Proposals will be solicited once a year.
  2. Proposals will be submitted through the departmental chair, school director or faculty officers responsible for Faculty-wide teaching support services who will prioritize the items submitted from their units and make a recommendation after consultation with the departmental or school council.
  3. Proposals will outline clearly the objectives of the project, the timeline and a detailed budget of the costs involved (as per form DF-100).

3.3.4 Criteria for Funding

  1. In soliciting proposals, the types of projects normally funded and the criteria used in evaluation of proposals will be clearly indicated.
  2. Criteria for evaluation of teaching funds (
    1. Pertinence of a project to teaching and number of students expected to benefit from the project.
    2. Pertinence of a project to the enhancement of laboratory capabilities.
    3. Faculty priorities in the development of specific programs.
    4. Recommendation of the department or the school concerned and the basis for it.
    5. Special efforts to attract first-class students to the Faculty of Engineering.
  3. Criteria for graduate student support (

3.3.5 Allocation of Funds

  1. In each competition, the Executive Committee will decide which projects will be funded and the amount of funds that will be released from the Faculty Development Fund.
  2. The deadline for the competition will be April 30. The Committee will meet thereafter to study these requests, but additional meetings could be called to consider urgent proposals.
  3. For every $2 provided by the Faculty Development Fund, the department or school must provide $1 in matching funds.

3.3.6 Financial Procedures

  1. All disbursements for the projects through allocations made from the Faculty Development Fund Committee will be processed through the Dean’s Office and will require the authorization of the Dean or his delegate.
  2. The Chief Administrative Officer of the Faculty will keep an account of all expenses and assist the Dean in the preparation of the annual report.
  3. The Dean has authority for disbursements up to $5,000.

3.3.7 Overhead from Research Contract

Of the portion of the funds received by the Faculty as overhead from research contracts, 46% is retained by the Faculty as part of the Faculty of Engineering Development Fund, 27% is returned to the Department or School Development Fund which has generated the funds and 27% is returned as a research grant to the Principal Investigator who generated the funds. Policies for disbursements of any funds generated as overhead must be approved by Faculty Council.

3.4 Committee for the Enhancement of the Learning Environment in Engineering

3.4.1 Mandate of the Committee

  1. To promote an environment for students and professors to work together and to build individual strengths, to improve retention, to place the University of Ottawa at the forefront of programs that enhance the learning experience, and to enhance essential non-academic skills in students and faculty.
  2. To recommend and assist in the implementation of an action plan to retain students studying engineering and computer science at the University of Ottawa and to encourage the participation of under-represented groups, particularly women and visible minorities.
  3. To recommend and assist in the implementation of an action plan to aid in Faculty development.
  4. To recommend and assist in the implementation of an action plan to promote graduate studies in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa.

3.4.2 Membership

  • a Professional Engineer (non-academic)
  • at least one undergraduate student and one faculty member from each department and/or school
  • the Vice-Dean (Quality Assurance and Teaching Innovation) - Chair
  • the Vice-Dean (Undergraduate Studies)
  • the Vice-Dean (Graduate Studies)
  • the Student Experience Officer
  • the Communication and Liaison Officer of the Faculty of Engineering.
  • the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (provided that such a position exists in the Ottawa/Carleton region)
  • the NSERC Chair for Entrepreneurship and Engineering Design (provided that such a position exists in the Ottawa/Carleton region)
  • two graduate students (one female and one male)


Every effort will be made to maintain a representational balance with respect to both gender and discipline.


A majority of the members of the Committee will constitute a quorum.

3.5 Space Committee

3.5.1 Mandate of the Committee

  1. To evaluate the use of space available to the Faculty of Engineering.
  2. To recommend changes to the allocation of space, for the consideration of the Dean and the Executive Committee.

3.5.2 Membership

  • the Dean
  • the Vice-Dean Governance-Chair
  • one other Vice-Dean from a different academic unit than the Vice-Dean, Governance
  • the Chief Administrative Officer
  • the Facilities Manager
  • one representative from each academic unit having 30% or less of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty, and two representatives of each academic unit having more than 30% of the regular teaching staff of the Faculty.


A majority of the members of the Committee will constitute a quorum, although no decisions will be made about the space used by an academic unit if there is no representative or Vice-Dean from that unit present.


Subject to approval by the University Senate, this By-Law shall come into force on 15/07/2021.