Convocation: Engineering graduates share their stories

Faculty of Engineering
Student life
Graduating students showing their iron rings
Engineering and computer science students look back on their journeys at the Faculty of Engineering, highlighting their most memorable moments, proudest achievements, and aspirations for life after Convocation.

From adjusting to studying in a new country to leading groundbreaking research and design projects to building lifelong friendships, our graduates embody perseverance and innovation.

Here are a few stories from the undergraduate and graduate students that are graduating this year.

Anas Javaid in front of Tabaret Building
Anas Javaid in front of Tabaret Building

Graduating from the University of Ottawa, I’m grateful for the transformative journey that has defined my time at the Faculty of Engineering.

One of the highlights of my journey was the successful implementation and management of the E-hospital project alongside Professor Ali Abbas. Over two years, our team worked tirelessly to develop a digital platform that revolutionized health-care accessibility. Witnessing the impact of our work first hand reaffirmed my belief in the power of engineering to drive positive change in society.

Additionally, under the guidance of Professor Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, I embarked on a final project focused on AI recipe generation. Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and culinary arts, we delved into the complexities of recipe creation and the potential for AI to innovate in the kitchen. This project challenged me intellectually and ignited a newfound passion for interdisciplinary problem-solving.

Throughout these endeavours, the unwavering support of my mentors and peers has been instrumental in my growth. Their guidance and encouragement fueled my determination to push boundaries and explore new frontiers within the field of engineering.

I am proud to be a part of the vibrant uOttawa Engineering community.

Ghazal Sadeghpour showing their Iron ring
Ghazal Sadeghpour showing their Iron ring

Reflecting on my journey through uOttawa Engineering, one of my most gratifying accomplishments was successfully completing our capstone project and delivering the final presentation to showcase our team’s hard work. It was the culmination of months of dedication, problem-solving, and collaboration, and standing there to present our project was truly rewarding.  

During my studies, one of the significant challenges I faced was learning programming in the first term. The initial stress of grasping new concepts and languages was daunting, but with perseverance and the support of peers and faculty, I overcame this hurdle and gained confidence in my programming abilities.  

My motivation to persist came from my unwavering support system—my family, friends, and the encouraging professors at uOttawa Engineering. Their belief in my potential kept me focused and determined, even during challenging times.  

The most valuable lesson I learned along the way is the immense capacity to learn and adapt. Engaging in diverse projects and collaborating with different teams taught me the joy of continuous learning and the importance of teamwork in achieving goals.  

My experience at uOttawa Engineering has been transformative, shaping not only my academic and professional skills, but also my perspective on growth and collaboration. 

Community of students in a classroom
Community of students in a classroom

As an international student, I faced the daunting task of relocating to a new country. This journey was not without its challenges. However, each obstacle presented an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, a testament to my resilience and determination.  

One of my most fulfilling experiences was serving as the President of the Professional Development Club. This role marked a significant milestone in my journey, pushing me to grow in ways I never thought possible. It was a big challenge for me, especially since I am not naturally comfortable speaking in front of crowds. But with the amazing support from everyone at PDC, I found the courage to step out of my comfort zone and grow in ways I never thought possible. Hosting an Internship Fair as President was a particularly rewarding experience, as it showcased the growth and success of our club.  

From being a Teaching Assistant for Graduate Students to working as a Project Coordinator, each experience throughout my time at university has enriched my skill set.  

One highlight was working with Nokia as a Business Intelligence professional for over a year. Balancing coursework, internships, and club responsibilities simultaneously was undoubtedly challenging, but it taught me invaluable lessons in effective time management and prioritization.  

The encouragement from my parents, along with the guidance of mentors and professors, has played a pivotal role in shaping my journey. Reflecting on my growth, I am amazed at how much I have learned and changed. The University of Ottawa has been instrumental in opening numerous opportunities for me, emphasizing the importance of networking and exploration.  

While this chapter may be closing, I am excited for the new adventures and opportunities that lie ahead, knowing that my journey of learning and development is far from over.  

Leisa Niemi's first and last day of school pictures
Leisa Niemi's first and last day of school pictures

As I prepare to graduate with my master’s degree, I carry with me not just a diploma, but also a wealth of experiences and lessons learned along the way. I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the opportunities that lie ahead of me. Armed with a solid foundation in both theory and practice, I am ready to take on new challenges, push the boundaries of what is possible, and lead my teams towards excellence in this ever-evolving world of manufacturing.

I embark on the next chapter of my professional journey, and I do so with gratitude for the past, enthusiasm for the present, and boundless optimism for the future.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at the University of Ottawa, particularly my student advisor and professors, for contributing to such a fulfilling experience. A special thank you goes out to my fellow classmates for our shared efforts and collaboration. It’s through our collective work that we’ve achieved so much together. I take pride in being part of a field that thrives on the collaboration and achievements of its professionals. 

Yara Elmasry
Yara Elmasry

I was a wide-eyed student, with dreams as big as the city of Ottawa itself. From day one, I was captivated by algorithms, coding languages, and the endless possibilities of software development. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing. There were moments of frustration, late nights spent debugging code, and challenges that seemed impossible to solve. Yet, with each obstacle, I grew stronger and more determined to succeed.  

Finally, after years of hard work and dedication, graduation day arrived. Walking across the stage, I felt a surge of pride as I accepted my degree in computer science from the University of Ottawa. Surrounded by friends and family, I knew that this moment was the culmination of countless hours of effort and sacrifice. As I held my diploma in my hands, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the journey that had brought me here. The lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the experiences gained would stay with me forever.  

As I looked ahead to the future, I knew that the memories of my time at uOttawa would always serve as a guiding light, reminding me of how far I had come and inspiring me to reach even greater heights.

These are only a few of the stories told by our graduating students to testify to the power of dedication, hard work, and a supportive community. As they embark on their next chapter, these students are equipped with the tools, knowledge and experience acquired at the Faculty of Engineering to continue to embrace challenges and push the boundaries of innovation. We look forward to seeing what our graduates accomplish next now that they are part of our alumni community.