Young students working on engineering projects.

Engineering Outreach

The Faculty of Engineering Outreach programs offers a variety of exciting, fun, and experiential learning opportunities for children and teens throughout the year.

Classroom and community programs


Programs for educators

Our STEM resource hub for educators! Explore our database of STEM activities, view available workshops for your class, register for training and enhance your teaching journey.

Two young students in front of MakerMobile workshop car.


The uOttawa Maker Mobile delivers fun, hands-on STEM learning activities to schools, libraries, and community centres across Ontario and Quebec.

Featured news

Faculty of Engineering
2 student facing a desktop computer
Faculty of Engineering

A tech secondary school at uOttawa’s Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa offers more than higher education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). …
Faculty of Engineering
Youth in lab
Faculty of Engineering

Why is it important to engage youth in engineering?

Traditional STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) teaching methods sometimes create barriers for elementary and high school students. Parti…
Faculty of Engineering
Students working on computer programming
Faculty of Engineering

Shopify introduces teen girls to computer programming

This year’s participants in the Introduction to Computer Studies — ICS2O course for teens got a surprise: their tuition for the summer course is cover…

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Contact us

Outreach Office

Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa
CBY B111
161 Louis-Pasteur
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Phone: 613-562-5491

Email[email protected]