Located in the STEM Complex, the new Craft Lab will combine innovative thinking and experiential learning to allow chemical engineering students to apply their course learning in new ways.

About the Craft Lab

The Craft Lab, a microbrewing laboratory, started as a student capstone project in 2020 and has since expanded into a new space being developed at the University of Ottawa. 

The lab will allow students to combine their chemical engineering knowledge with entrepreneurship. Students will develop their skills in critical thinking, teamwork, collaboration, communication and business.

Related industries

Renewable energy icon
Biofuels, waste to energy conversion processes.
Food industry icon
Beer, wine, spirits and other fermentation processes.
Sustainable processes icon
Recycling of plastics or electronics, producing drinking water.

A student-led initiative

A student team, uOttawa NanoBrew, is central to the Craft Lab. In November 2021, the team, composed of seven dedicated members, completed its first brew, in partnership with a local brewer. Members continue to work with community partners to practice their craft while the uOttawa space is under construction. They also help define what the future Craft Lab will look like.

Jade Breau
Student voices

“A student-led brewery is a dream. It gives giving students an opportunity to gain communication skills, applied experience and, most importantly, room to make mistakes and learn from each other.”

Jade Breau

— Fifth year chemical engineering student and uOttawa Nano Brew founder

Students interested in joining the project can do so by joining the uO Nano Brew team or contacting Professor Andrew Sowinski.

Our goal is for the Craft Lab to be fully student-operated once it opens.

3D rendering of the Craft Lab
3D rendering of the future Craft Lab space in the STEM Complex


Throughout the startup process, the uOttawa Nano Brew team has worked with community breweries, including Flora Hall and Beyond the Pale, to produce its initial batches of beer.


The Craft Lab wouldn't be possible without the support of our community. Help us build the space and create opportunities for our students.
Donate to the Craft Lab