If you consider that exceptional circumstances have prevented you from achieving success in your studies, you also have the right to appeal this decision to the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) of the Faculty of Engineering.
To appeal, you must submit a letter through the appeal request form. This letter (1-2 pages) should explain the circumstances that were out of your control and the basis for your appeal. You must explain why your academic standing is unsatisfactory and present the reasons why the Faculty should make an exception to the regulation and allow you to continue your program. Any document supporting your arguments must also be provided.
Letter of appeals submitted without any supporting documents will not be considered.
Your appeal must be made in writing within 10 working days following the date at the date at which you received the e-mail notifying a mandatory withdrawal. The Faculty of Engineering reserves the right to deny requests submitted after the above-mentioned deadline.
The Student Rights Centre, a service provided by the University of Ottawa Students' Union (UOSU), assists students through the appeal process. They are located in room 101 of the University Centre (85 University Private), and can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. You may also visit their website.
We encourage you to meet with your advisor to review your options. In order to make an appointment, please contact us by telephone at 613-562-5918 or by presenting yourself at the Undergraduate Studies Office in SITE room 1020.