5.1 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)
5.1.1 Mandate
a. Makes recommendations to the Dean related to budgets, finances, and the overall administration of the Faculty.
b. Works with the Dean to establish priorities and draft annual budget estimates for the following year, in keeping with the terms of the Faculty’s academic development plan.
c. Ensures the implementation of the Faculty’s academic, research, and space policies, as approved by the Senate.
d. Provides a forum for discussion on academic and administrative policies and on Faculty orientations.
e. Exercises such powers as delegated by the Faculty Council and carries out other functions as assigned by the Faculty Council.
f. Acts with the same power and authority as the Faculty Council in order to deal with urgent matters that may arise between Council meetings (does not have the authority to change existing regulations or to introduce new ones).
g. Ensures the implementation of academic and administrative policies approved by the Faculty Council.
h. Carries out all other functions as assigned by the Dean or the Faculty Council.
5.1.2 Membership
The Faculty Executive Committee comprises the following members:
a. The Dean, as Chair (non-voting member except in the event of a tie);
b. The Vice-Dean, Governance and Secretary, or equivalent, as Secretary;
c. All other Vice-Deans;
d. The Director and Associate Dean of the academic units (schools);
e. The Faculty’s Chief Administrative Officer.
Other persons may be invited when deemed necessary.
5.1.3 Quorum
Quorum is a majority of the total seats.
5.1.4 Frequency of meetings
The Faculty Executive Committee meets once a month.
5.2 Dean’s Executive Council (Décanat)
5.2.1 Mandate
a. Ensures the sound management of the Faculty.
b. Presents recommendations on administrative matters to the Dean.
c. Makes recommendations related to Faculty policies, the budget, space planning, and communications and marketing to the Dean.
d. Advises the Dean of the progress of the various Faculty projects.
5.2.2 Membership
The Dean’s Executive Council comprises the following members:
a. Dean, as Chair;
b. All Vice-Deans;
c. Chief Administrative Officer.
Other persons may be invited when deemed necessary.
5.3 Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC)
5.3.1 Mandate
The Undergraduate Studies Committee considers and makes recommendations to the Faculty Council on:
a. Conditions of admission to the Faculty’s bachelor and first professional degree programs.
b. The structure of programs, with particular regard to the role and content of general education (as compared to specialized education).
c. Creation of new programs.
d. Changes to or cancellation of courses or programs.
e. Courses proposed by the Faculty’s schools or programs.
f. Implementation of policies and other measures to ensure academic success and a high-quality student experience, including international mobility agreements.
g. Recruitment and liaison strategies and activities.
h. Submission of written reports to the Faculty Council as often as necessary and at least once per year.
i. The committee carries out all other functions as assigned by the Faculty Council.
5.3.2 Membership
The Undergraduate Studies Committee comprises the following members:
a. Vice-Dean, Academic, or equivalent, as Chair (non-voting member except in the event of a tie);
b. Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, undergraduate programs (Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences; School of Human Kinetics, School of Nursing, School of Nutrition Sciences);
c. One undergraduate student nominated by the academic units (schools) and programs and appointed by the Faculty Council;
d. Manager, Academic Trajectory.
5.3.3 Frequency of meetings
The Undergraduate Studies Committee meets as often as necessary and at least twice per year.
5.3.4 Term of office of Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, undergraduate programs
The term of office of this member is the duration of their mandate as Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, undergraduate programs.
5.3.5 Term of office for student member
The term of office for the student members is one year, renewable once.
5.3.6 Quorum
Quorum is a majority of the total seats. Student members are not counted when determining whether quorum has been met for meetings held from May to September, inclusively.
5.4 Committee on Academic Progress and Integrity (CAPI)
The Committee on Academic Progress and Integrity makes recommendations to the Dean and Faculty Executive Committee on all matters for which it is responsible and that deal with a student’s academic progress. It can strike subcommittees for specific issues as it deems necessary.
5.4.1 Mandate
a. Acts, in consultation with the academic units (schools), to address student progress.
b. Assesses claims in cases influencing the academic standing of a student, including issues related to program progression, academic fraud, and appeals.
c. Periodically reviews practices to ensure test security that are used when administering exams.
d. Increases professors’ awareness of rules and procedures related to academic fraud and appeals.
e. Submits a written report to the Faculty Council as often as necessary and at least once per year.
f. Makes recommendations to the Dean related to academic standing (e.g., when sanctions are imposed).
g. Carries out all other functions as assigned by the Faculty Council.
5.4.2 Membership
The Committee on Academic Progress and Integrity comprises the following members:
Voting members
a. Vice-Dean, Academic, or equivalent, as Chair (non-voting member except in the event of a tie);
b. One unionized academic staff member (APUO or APTPUO member) from each academic unit (school) in the Faculty.
Non-voting members
c. The assistant to the Vice-Dean, Academic, or equivalent, as secretary for the Committee;
d. A representative of the Academic Office.
5.4.3 Frequency of meetings
The Committee on Academic Progress and Integrity meets as often as necessary and at least twice per year.
5.4.4 Term of office for academic staff members
The term of office for academic staff members is two years, renewable once.
5.4.5 Quorum
Quorum is a majority of voting members.
5.5 Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)
5.5.1 Mandate
a. Makes recommendations to Faculty Council and the Research Committee on:
i. Admission requirements for the Faculty’s graduate programs.
ii. The structure of programs, with particular regard to the role and content of general education (as compared to specialized education).
iii. Creation of new programs.
iv. Changes to or cancellation of courses or programs.
v. Implementation of policies and other measures to ensure academic success and a high-quality student experience, including international mobility agreements.
b. Submits written reports to the Faculty Council as often as necessary and at least once per year.
c. Carries out all other functions as assigned by the Faculty Council.
5.5.2 Membership
The Graduate Studies Committee comprises the following members:
a. The Vice-Dean, Academic, or equivalent, as Chair (non-voting member except in the event of a tie).
b. Manager, Academic Trajectory.
c. Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, graduate programs from each of the Faculty’s academic units (schools).
d. One student registered in a graduate-level professional program nominated by each of the academic units (schools) on a rotating basis and belonging to an academic unit (school) other than the unit of the student member in 6.5.2 (e).
e. One student registered in a graduate program (with thesis) nominated on a rotating basis by each of the academic units (schools) offering these programs and belonging to an academic unit (school) other than the unit of the student member in 6.5.2 (d).
5.5.3 Frequency of meetings
The Graduate Studies Committee meets as often as necessary and at least twice per year.
5.5.4 Term of office of Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, graduate programs
The term of office of this member is the duration of their mandate as Assistant Director of, or professor responsible for, graduate programs.
5.5.5 Term of office for student member
The term of office for student members is one year, renewable once.
5.5.6 Quorum
Quorum is a majority of the total seats.
5.6 Research Committee
The Research Committee promotes Faculty research, including interdisciplinary research, and coordinates research activities.
5.6.1 Mandate
a. Makes recommendations on:
i. the establishment and updating of the Faculty’s research policy and a Faculty research development plan;
ii. the priorities to be established in the allocation of funds for research out of the Faculty’s operating budget;
iii. the budget estimates for research and planning;
iv. the administration of the research budget;
v. the allocation of the budget for the various projects, in line with the Faculty’s strategic direction.
b. Submits written reports to the Faculty Council as often as necessary, but not less than once per year.
c. Fulfills other research-related activities of relevance to the Faculty.
5.6.2 Membership
The Research Committee comprises the following members:
a. Vice-Dean, Research (or equivalent) as Chair of the committee. The Chair does not vote except to break a tie vote. The Chair has the deciding vote;
b. One faculty member from each of the Faculty’s academic units (schools) (Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, School of Human Kinetics, School of Nursing, School of Nutrition Sciences, School of Rehabilitation Sciences);
c. One student registered in a graduate program (with thesis).
As well as the following non-voting ex officio members:
d. The Faculty of Health Sciences’ Senior Research Advisor;
e. The Faculty of Health Sciences’ Research Administrative Officer.
5.6.3 Term of office
The terms of office are two years, renewable, for regular faculty members and one year, renewable, for student members.
5.6.4 Quorum
Quorum is a majority of the total seats.
5.7 Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee (FTPC)
The Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee and Committee membership are governed by the collective agreement between the University of Ottawa and the APUO.
One representative from each academic unit (school) within the Faculty serves on this committee.
5.8 Faculty Assembly
The Faculty Assembly is an advisory board of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
5.8.1 Mandate
a. Receives the annual report of the Faculty.
b. Makes recommendations to the Faculty Council.
5.8.2 Membership
The Faculty Assembly comprises the following members:
a. The Dean, as Chair;
b. All members of the Faculty Council;
c. All full-time faculty members and support staff;
d. Any other person designated by the Faculty Council.
5.8.3 Frequency of meetings
The Faculty Assembly meets once in each academic year, at a time convenient for the members.