Do you want to lead teams organizing Olympic sporting events? Are you passionate about the business behind large-scale sports productions? The Sport Management program will give you an in-depth understanding of national and international sports systems and a solid foundation in marketing and event planning.

Master of Human Kinetics - Concentration in Sport Management (MHK)
Program overview
Score a job in sport management
Intern on national or international playing fields
The Sport Management program at uOttawa is a leader in amateur sports and the Olympic world. Professors have developed ties with organizations such as the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic committees, Diving Canada and more to create a rich pool of internship opportunities.
Get a world-class learning experience
The Sport Management program at uOttawa is the only graduate program in Canada to rank among Sportbusiness’ top 40 programs around the globe. The School of Human Kinetics is currently host to the MEMOS (Executive Masters in Sports Organisation Management) program, offered to professionals working in national or international sport bodies. It has also developed a partnership with the University of Mainz, in Germany, to include its Introduction to European Sports course in the master’s program.
Grow your network in Ottawa
Grow your network in Ottawa, the city that’s home to the most national sports organizations. Professors team up with people working in the field to bring you exciting challenges in class or to take you directly to their workplaces.