Alex Dumas
Alex Dumas
Full Professor

2004-2005, Post-doctoral research, Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge (UK)
2004, Ph.D., Kinésiologie, Université de Montréal
1999, M.A., Études du sport, Université d’Ottawa
1997, B.Sc., Sciences de l’activité physique, Université d’Ottawa

MNT 228
613-562-5800 ext. 4271


Alex Dumas has received his Ph.D. in Kinesiology (sociology) from the University of Montréal and has completed post-doctoral research in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge. He has taught undergraduate courses in the sociology of health, gerontology and qualitative research methods, sociology of sport and history of sport. His research interests focus primarily on health inequalities and aging. Using qualitative research methods, his publications articulate social class, age and gender in order to understand health practices (physical activity, dieting, and rehabilitation).

His research can be defined globally under the heading of sociology of health and physical activity. Generally speaking, this area of research aims to further knowledge on the social mechanisms explaining the health practices of different social groups. It also informs policy in the areas of health promotion and injury prevention. This area involves collaborations with multidisciplinary teams, with both epidemiologists and physiologists.

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Research interests

  • Sociology (health, body, sport)
  • Health inequalities
  • Physical activity and nutrition
  • Aging and Anti-aging

Ongoing research

  • 2024-2028. Dumas, A.  Fontaine-Bisson, B., Carbonneau, É. « Porter la vie, porter la faim : l’urgence d’une équité nutritionnelle en contexte périnatal ». Study funded by the Social sciences and humanities research council of Canada - SSHRC. 
  • 2020-2024. Dumas, A.  and Papin, B. Le double projet sportif et scolaire du programme sport-études au Québec. Comprendre ce qui fonctionne, pour qui, et dans quelles circonstances (Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council-SSHRC).
  • 2019-2023. Dumas, A. and Fontaine-Bisson, B. Better understanding for better intervening: a social nutrition approach towards vulnerable pregnant mothers (Funded by Sodexo, Consortium national de formation en santé -CNFS and Canadian Institutes of Health Research-CIHR)


Selected publications (*with a student)

  • Labonté JM, Dumas A, Clark E, Savard C, Fournier K, O’Connor S, Morisset AS, Fontaine-Bisson B (2024) Structural vulnerability factors and gestational weight gain: a scoping review on the extent, range, and nature of the literature. Research Square, peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Health & Movement Sciences
  • Dumas, A., Fontaine-Bisson, B. (2024). La nutrition sociale périnatale : une approche en développement pour une profession en évolution, Nutrition,  vol 3., no. 1, 38-44.
  • Carbonneau, E., Dumas, A., Lepage, S., Dumas, A.A. Fontaine-Bisson, B., (2024). A Perinatal Social Nutrition Approach to Improve Breastfeeding in a Culturally Diverse Group of Low-Income Women, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
  • *Carbonneau, E., Dumas, A., Brodeur-Doucet, A., Fontaine-Bisson, B. A. (2022). Community Prenatal Intervention in Social Nutrition: Evaluating the Impact on Pregnancy and Birthweight Outcomes. Nutrients. 14(1151)
  • Perrin, C., Dumas, A.,  Vieille-Marchiset, G. (2021). L’activité physique comme objet de santé publique: fabrique, diffusion et réception des nouvelles normes de santé active. SociologieS. Février.
  • *Clark, E., Dumas, A. (2021). Le déclin du jeu actif à l’extérieur. La « bonne mère » et son organisation du temps libre des enfants. SociologieS. Février.
  • *Clark, E., Dumas, A. (2020). Children’s active outdoor play: ‘good mothering’ and the organization of children’s free time. Sociology of Health and Illness. 42(2): 1229-1242
  • *Smith, A., Dumas, A., (2019). Class-based masculinity, cardiovascular health and rehabilitation. Sociology of Health and Illness. 42(2) 303-324.
  • *Audet, M., Dumas, A., *Binette, R. Dionne, I. (2017). Lifestyle inequalities: Preventing chronic diseases in clinically overweight women after menopause. Qualitative Health Research, 27(10) 1541-1552.
  • *Audet, M, Dumas, A, *Binette, R, Dionne, IJ. (2017). Women,weight, poverty and menopause : understanding health practices in a context of chronic disease prevention. Sociology of Health and Illness. 39(8)1412-1426.
  • *Audet, M., Paris, M, Garon, S, Dumas. (2017). Discours public de prévention et inégalités sociales de santé chez les aînés: Réflexions critiques et nouvelles perspectives en développement des communautés. Lien social et Politiques. Vo. 78, 254-273.
  • Stacey, D., Jull, J. Beach, Sarah, Dumas, A., Strychar, I., Adamo. K., Brochu, M., Prud’homme, D. (2015). Middle-aged women's decisions about body weight management: A needs assessment and testing of a knowledge translation tool. Menopause.22(4): 414-422.
  • Dumas, A., Turner, B.S.(2015). Human longevity, utopia and solidarity. The Sociological Quarterly. 56 (1): 1-17.
  • Jull, J., Stacey, D., Beach, S., Dumas, A., Strychar, I., Ufholz, L.-A., Prince, S., Abdulnour, J., Prud'homme, D.-G.,. (2014). Lifestyle interventions targeting body weight changes during the menopause transition: a systematic review. Journal of Obesity. doi: 10.1155/2014/824310
  • *Dumas, A., Bergeron, C., Savage, M. (2015) Position sociale et style de vie. La variation sociale des pratiques de santé après un incident cardiaque. Recherches Sociographiques, 56 (2-3) 437-461.
  • Keays, G., Dumas, A. (2014).  Longboard and skateboard injuries, Injury. International Journal of the Care of the Injured,45(8):1215-19.
  • Dumas, A., *Robitaille, J., Jette, S., (2014). Lifestyle as a choice of necessity. Young women, health and obesity, Social Theory & Health, 12: 138–158.
  • Dumas, A. *Savage, M., Stuart, S., (2014). Understanding anti-normative lifestyles: Underprivileged men’s lives after a heart incident. Health : an Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 18(5): 458-475.
  • Turner, B.S., Dumas, A., (2013). Vulnerability, diversity and scarcity: on universal rights, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 16(4) : 663-670.
  • *Audet, M., Dionne, I.J, Dumas, A, (2013). Promouvoir la santé chez les femmes vieillissantes: Pourquoi se préoccuper des inégalités sociales? Vie et Vieillissement, 10(4) 42-46.
  • *Savage, M., Dumas, A., Stuart, S. (2013). Fatalism and short-termism as cultural barriers to cardiac rehabilitation amongst underprivileged men, Sociology of Health and Illness, 35(8), 1211-26.
  • Dumas, A., *Gagnon, I., (2012) [2014] Masculinité, pauvreté et réadaptation cardiaque: le fardeau des hommes qui occupent des métiers de la route, Revue de l’Université de Moncton, 43(1-2):  163-184.
  • Dumas, A., Turner, B.S. (2009). Foucault, Bourdieu et le corps âgé. Deux avenues prometteuses en sociologie du corps, Corps. Revue interdisciplinaire, 7(2): 91-97.
  • Dumas, A., Laforest, S., (2009). Skateparks as a health-resource: Are they as dangerous as they look? Leisure Studies, 28(1): 19-34
  • Dumas, A., Turner, B.S. (2007). The life extension project: A sociological critique, Health Sociology Review. 16(1), 5-17.
  • Dumas, A., Laberge, S. (2005). Older women's relation to bodily appearance: The embodiment of social and biological conditions of existence, Ageing and Society, 25 (6) 883-902.
  • Dumas, A., Laberge, S. (2005). Social class and ageing bodies: understanding physical activity in later life. Social Theory & Health, 3(3) 183-205.


  • Turner, B.S. and Dumas, A. (2016). L’antivieillissement. Vieillir à l’ère des nouvelles biotechnologies. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval

Chapters in books (*with a student)

  • Brosnan, C., Dumas, A. (2018). Health and medical technology. In J. Germov and J. Noble (eds.). Second Opinion. An introduction to health sociology. 6th edition. Oxford University Press.
  • Dumas, A., Turner, B.S. (2013) Statecraft and Soulcraft: Foucault on Prolonging Life,  In W.C. Cockerham (ed.) Health Sociology on the Move: New Directions in Theory. Dordrecht: Springer, p. 61-81.
  • Dumas, A. and Laforest, S. (2013) Comprendre l’offre publique d’activités physiques et sportives : l’approche générationnelle appliquée à la planche à roulettes, In R. Roult, S. Lefebvre et J.-P. Augustin (éds.) Les nouvelles territorialités du sport dans la ville. Enjeux actuels et perspectives d'avenir. Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 139-157.
  • Dumas, A. (2012) Rejecting the aging body, In B.S. Turner (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Body Studies. New-York: Taylor and Francis, p. 375-388.
  • *Dumas, A. and Bournival, E., (2011) Men, masculinities and health. Theory and application. In Jason Laker (ed.) Canadian Perspectives on Men and Masculinities. An Interdisciplinary Reader, Toronto: Oxford University Press, p. 33-51.
  • Dumas, A. and Turner, B.S. (2009). Aging in Post-Industrial Societies: Intergenerational conflict and solidarity. In J. Powell & J. Hendrick (eds.). The Welfare State and Postindustrial Society: A Global Analysis, New York, NY, Springer, p. 41-56.
  • Dumas A, Turner B S. (2009). Vivre ou survivre. Conséquences sociales du discours prolongéviste contemporain. In S. Yaya (Ed.). Pouvoir médical et santé totalitaire : conséquences socio-anthropologiques et éthiques. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 277-297.
  • Dumas A, Turner B S. (2006). Age and Ageing: the social world of Foucault and Bourdieu. JL Powell and A. Wahidin (ed.). Foucault and Ageing. New York: Nova Press p.145-155.