Dr. Heintzman grew up in Ottawa and studied Recreology (Leisure Studies) at the University of Ottawa where he specialized in recreation resource management and planning. His master's thesis was on the philosophy of leisure and his Ph.D. thesis was on leisure and spiritual well being. He has extensive experience as a recreation practitioner throughout Canada including outdoor leadership positions at camps across the country; research work with the Sierra Club of Western Canada and the City of Calgary; developer, manager and director of human service programs at the Booth Centre in downtown Ottawa (1986-1990); and as Executive Director of Gracefield Camp and Conference in Quebec (1990-1995). Dr. Heintzman has previously taught at Brock University and at Acadia University (1998-2003) where he was Coordinator of the Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Education specialization. He has been a visiting scholar/professor at Regent College (Vancouver), University of Waterloo, University of Northern British Columbia, The Erasmus Mundus M.A. program in Transcultural European Outdoor Studies (Oslo, Norway) and Dalhousie University. In 2003 he received the Society of Park and Recreation Educator's Teaching Innovation Award; in 2007 and 2016 he was recipient of the Christian Society of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies' Literary Award; and in 2009 he received the CSKLS Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Heintzman is author of the book Leisure and Spirituality: Biblical, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, co-editor of the book Christianity and Leisure: Issues in a Pluralistic Society, editor of a special issue of the journal Leisure/Loisir on the theme of leisure and spirituality; and the author of numerous journal papers and book chapters on the topics of leisure and spirituality; recreation and the environment; and the philosophy and ethics of leisure. Courses he teaches include: LSR 2110 Leisure Concepts and Values; LSR 2121 Recreation and Environmental Quality; and LSR 3105 Recreation Resources Conservation.
Paul Heintzman

Affiliated Professor, M.Sc. in Environmental Sustainability Program, Institute of the Environment
Board Member, Canadian Association for Leisure Studies
Board Member, Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies
1999, Ph.D., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
1986, M.Sc., Christian Studies, Regent College (Vancouver)
1981, B.Sc., Recreology (Leisure Studies), Université d’Ottawa
Research interests
- Recreation and the environment (environmental ethics, environmental education, parks, outdoor centres, wilderness)
- Leisure and spirituality/religion/Christianity
- Philosophy and ethics of leisure
Ongoing research
Dr. Heintzman’s research on leisure and spirituality focuses upon the leisure-spiritual processes that are associated with spiritual well-being. In other words, what is it about leisure that may enhance or hinder spiritual well-being? He also writes extensively on Christian perspectives on leisure. His research on recreation and the environment has most recently focused upon outdoor recreation management in Gatineau Park. Recent and current thesis supervision topics include: outdoor education, park interpretation, play and spirituality, and the interactions between mining and hunting. He has published hermeneutical, philosophical, ethical, historical as well as quantitative and qualitative social scientific studies.
- Heintzman, P. (2015). Leisure and spirituality: Biblical, historical and contemporary perspectives.
- (Engaging Culture Series) Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. 352 pages. See: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/leisure-and-spirituality/341720
- Heintzman, P. (Ed.). (2009). Leisure/Loisir, 33(1). Special Issue on Leisure and Spirituality. 456 pages.
- Heintzman, P., Van Andel, G., & Visker, T. (Eds.). (2006). Christianity and leisure: Issues in a pluralistic society (Rev. ed.). Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press. 284 pages.
Book Chapters
- Heintzman, P. (2016). Spirituality and the outdoors. In H. Prince, K. Henderson, & B. Humberstone (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 388-397). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Heintzman, P. (2016). Religion, spirituality and leisure. In G. Walker, D. Scott, & M. Stodolska (Eds.), Leisure matters: The state and future of leisure studies (pp. 67-75). State College, PA: Venture.
- Heintzman, P. (2013). Defining leisure. In R. McCarville & K. MacKay (Eds.), Leisure for Canadians, 2nd ed. (pp. 3-14). State College, PA: Venture.
- Heintzman, P. (2013). Spirituality as a resource for social and environmental justice through parks, recreation, tourism and leisure. In D. Dustin & K. Schwab (Eds.), Working for social and environmental justice through parks, recreation, tourism and leisure (109-116). Urbana, IL: Sagamore.
- Van Andel, G., & Heintzman, P. (1996). Christian spirituality and therapeutic recreation. In C. Sylvester (Ed.), Philosophy of therapeutic recreation: Ideas and issues Vol. II (pp. 71-85). Alexandria, VA: National Recreation and Parks Association.
Papers in refereed Journals
- Innes, M., & Heintzman, P. (2012). Insights into the perceived impact of park development on the lives of local inhabitants within Gros Morne National Park. Leisure/Loisir, 36(2), 161-186.
- Heintzman, P. (2012). The spiritual dimension of campers’ park experience: Management implications.Managing Leisure, 17(4), 291-310.
- Heintzman, P. (2012). Spiritual outcomes of wilderness experience: A synthesis of social science research. Park Science, 28(3), 89-92, 102.
- Heintzman, P. (2010). Gatineau Park: Public participation and changing park purposes in the wildland-urban interface. Leisure/Loisir, 34(4), 375-402.
- Heintzman, P. (2010). Nature-based recreation and spirituality: A complex relationship. Leisure Sciences, 32(1), 72-89. (Special Issue on Nature-based Recreation).
- Heintzman, P. (2009). The spiritual benefits of leisure. Leisure/Loisir, 33(1), 419-445.
- Heintzman, P. (2008). Leisure-spiritual coping: A model for therapeutic recreation and leisure services. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 42(1), 56-73.
- Heintzman, P. (2007). The environmental ethics of Bill Mason: A model for environmental education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 12, 160-174.
- Heintzman, P., & Mannell, R. (2003). Spiritual functions of leisure and spiritual well-being: Coping with time pressure. Leisure Sciences, 25, 207-230.
- Heintzman, P. (2000-2001). A commentary on “Philosophy of leisure: Unanswered questions.” Leisure/Loisir, 25(1-2), 71-78.
- Heintzman, P. (2000). Leisure and spiritual well-being relationships: A qualitative study. Society and Leisure, 23(1), 41-69.
- Heintzman, P. (1995). Leisure, ethics and the Golden Rule. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 20(3), 203-222.
Conferences and presentations
Heintzman, P., & Connally, D. (2015). Leisure and spiritual well-being: Research and measurement. In D. Schmalz & E. Gómez (Eds.), 2015 NRPA Research Sessions (pp. 69-73). Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association.
- Heintzman, P. (2014). Rock climbing management in Gatineau Park, Quebec, Canada: A case study. In E. Gomez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. Available at: http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1038&context=nerr Heintzman, P. (2014). “Leisure as a moderator of spiritual well-being?” Responding to Bouwer. In
- J. Singleton, T. Fancy, T. Hopper, & S. Wheaton (Eds.), The medium is the message. 14th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, May 21-23, 2014 (pp. 118-122). Halifax, NS: School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie University.
- Heintzman, P. (2011). Youth leisure and spirituality: A qualitative study of senior high school students. In K. Anderek & M. Stodolska (Comps.) Leisure Research Symposium. Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association (4 pages).
- Heintzman, P. (2011). “There is nothing new under the sun”: A weaving of social scientific research findings on leisure and spirituality with wisdom from Christian classics of spirituality. In An evolving tapestry: Weaving together threads of leisure. 12th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, May, 2011 (pp. 148-152). St. Catharines, ON: Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University.
- Heintzman, P. (2011). The play ethic of Bill Mason. In An evolving tapestry: Weaving together threadsn of leisure. 12th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, May 2011 (pp. 153-156). St. Catharines, ON: Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University.
- Heintzman, P. (2009). “Have leisure and know that I am God”: Hermeneutical considerations. In B.D. Kivel & H. Gibson (Comps.), Leisure Research Symposium (pp. 130-134). Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association.
- Heintzman, P. (2008). Men’s wilderness experience and spirituality: Further explorations. In C. LeBlanc & C. Vogt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium (pp. 55-59) (Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-23). Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture,cForest Services, Northern Research Station.
- Heintzman, P. (2005). In and out of context: The use of 2 Thessalonians 3:10 in leisure literature. In T.Delamere, C. Randall, & D. Robinson (Eds.), The two solitudes: Isolation or impact? The Eleventh Canadian Congress on Leisure Research (pp. 251-256). Nanaimo, BC: Department of Recreation and Tourism Management, Malaspina University-College.
- Heintzman, P. (1997). Wilderness and the Canadian mind: Historical, philosophical, and geographical dimensions. In Working documents from the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. The third annual conference (pp. 96-105). Montreal, QC: McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.