Isabelle Marcoux
Isabelle Marcoux
Associate Professor

2009, Postdoctoral training, Social and Human Sciences in Oncology, Université de Nantes
2004, Postdoctoral training, Social and Preventive Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2003, Ph.D., Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal
1996, B.A., Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal

THN 206
613-562-5800 ext. 7044 (office)
613-562-5632 (fax)


Isabelle Marcoux holds a PhD in community psychology (Université du Québec à Montréal, 2003). She has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in social and preventive medicine at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and a second one in humanities and social sciences applied to cancer care at the Université de Nantes (France). During her PhD and postdoctoral studies, she has specialized in euthanasia and ethical issues related to end-of-life decisions. Her current research program focuses on medical assistance in dying as well as palliative and end-of-life care, and is based on an interdisciplinary approach and on partnerships with different organizations(e.g.: Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Association of Practicing Healthcare Ethicists, Association québécoise en éthique clinique, Association québécoise en prévention du suicide).  

Dr Marcoux conducts studies on attitudes, knowledge and/or experiences on euthanasia and medical assistance in dying among different populations. She also contributes to projects that promote citizen participation to improve knowledge on medical assistance in dying or that look at the effects of public policies on end-of-life care. She is leading the first national survey on medical end-of-life practices with Canadian physicians in order to measure the prevalence of these practices, including medical assistance in dying, and to describe the underlying decision-making process. She provided expertise during parliamentary work on medical assistance in dying in Quebec (Commission mourir dans la dignité, Assemblée nationale du Québec, 2010) and Canada (External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada, 2015). Through her research, Isabelle Marcoux aims to contribute to knowledge development and knowledge translation in order to improve end-of-life care in Canada.

Research interests

  • Medical assistance in dying, euthanasia, assisted suicide
  • Attitudes, knowledge and practices related to end of life, and associated factors
  • Ethical issues about end-of-life decisions, transition from curative treatment to palliative care
  • Access to palliative care and medical assistance in dying
  • Effects of public policies on medical end-of-life practices
  • Communicational and relational aspects in care
  • Methodological issues in end-of-life research


  • Boivin, A., Gauvin, F.P., Garnon, G., Marcoux, I., Néron, A., Lehoux, P. (2017) Que doit-on savoir sur l’aide médicale à mourir ? Comprendre les besoins d'information et les enjeux du partenariat avec les patients, les proches aidants et les professionnels de la santé. Centre d’excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public, Montréal : Canada.
  • Marcoux, I., Boivin, A., Mesana, L., Graham, I., Hébert, P. (2016). Medical end-of-life practices with Canadian physicians: a pilot study. CMAJ Open, 4(2):E222-E229.
  • Chao, Y-S., Boivin, A., Marcoux, I., Garnon, G., Mays, N., Lehoux, P., Prémont, M-C., van Leeuwen, E., Pineault, R. (2016). International changes in end-of-life practices over time: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1): 539
  • Marcoux, I., Boivin, A., Arsenault, C., Toupin, M., Youssef, J. (2015). Healthcare professionals' comprehension of the legal status of end of life practices in Quebec: A study by clinical scenarios. Canadian Family Physician, 61, e196-203.
  • Boivin, A., Marcoux, I., Garnon, G., Lehoux, P., Mays, N., Chao, Y-S., Prémont, M-C., van Leeuwen, E., Pineault, R. (2015). Comparing end-of-life practices in different policy contexts: a scoping review. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, published online : doi:10.1177/1355819614567743
  • Marcoux, I., Rududura, E-G. (2014). La souffrance morale : un concept fourretout, une entité à part ou un constituant parmi d’autres de la souffrance globale? Psycho-Oncologie, 8, 209-214.
  • Boivin, A., Marcoux, I., Garnon, G., van Leeuwen, E., Mays, N., Pineault, R., Prémont, M., Lehoux, P. (2014). Independent research needed to inform end-of-life policy choices. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(81), 3.
  • Marcoux, I. (2012). «Avoir le moral» après l'annonce d'un cancer: une étude auprès des personnes atteintes d'une tumeur cérébrale de haut grade», Psycho-Oncologie, 6, 209-216.
  • Marcoux, I. (2012). Étude prospective du processus communicationnel lié à l ‘annonce d’une maladie incurable, Bulletin du Cancer, 99(2), 137-146.
  • Marcoux, I. (2011). Euthanasia: a confounding and intricate issue. In Josef Kure (Ed.), The Good Death: Controversy in Humans and Animals. p.45-62.
  • Marcoux, I., Austin, S. (2011). La recherche en psychologie communautaire: fondements et applications. Dans Thomas Saïas, Introduction à la psychologie communautaire. Dunod: Paris. p. 173-186.
  • Marcoux, I., Angelique, H., & Culley, M.R (2009). La psychologie communautaire en Amérique du Nord : Historiques et applications. Pratiques Psychologiques, 15(1), 17-27.
  • Marcoux, I. (2008). Dans quelles conditions est-il acceptable ou non de mourir par euthanasie ? Frontières, 20(1), 69-75.
  • Marcoux, I., Mishara, B.L., & Durand, C. (2007). Confusion between euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions: Influences on public opinion poll results. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 98(3), 235-239.
  • Cohen, J., Marcoux, I., Bilsen, J., Deboosere, P., van der Wal, G., & Deliens, L. (2006). Public attitudes towards euthanasia in 33 European countries. Sociodemographic and cultural factors associated with the acceptance of euthanasiaSocial Science and Medicine, 63(3), 743-56.
  • Cohen, J., Marcoux, I., Bilsen, J., Deboosere, P., van der Wal, G., & Deliens, L. (2006). Trends in acceptance of euthanasia among the general public in 12 European countries (1981-2000).European Journal of Public Health, 16(6), 663-669.
  • Marcoux, I., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D., Jansen-van der Weide, M.C., & van der Wal, G. (2005). Withdrawing an explicit request for euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide (EAS): The influence of mental health status and other patient characteristics. Psychological Medicine, 35(9), 1265-74.