Hélène Laperrière
Hélène Laperrière
Full professor

2009: Postdoctoral studies in popular health education, Universidade Federal da Paraiba
2008: PhD Public Health (health promotion), Université de Montréal
2004: MSc Nursing, Université de Montréal
2002: BSc Nursing, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

LEE 516C


I bring my nursing experience with Latin-American social movements, including with community-based organizations (women’s and sex workers’ associations, pastoral health-care workers, seamen’s club, coalition to fight AIDS, popular education) and with public and community health programs (leprosy and STBBI/AIDS prevention) in the states of Amazonas and Paraiba (Brazil), and with the relationship of multiethnic families to social services in Quebec (Canada). I completed postdoctoral studies in popular education in health at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil, 2008). These engagements raised my consciousness of power verticality and internal colonization in international aid co-operation and globalization, as well as the methodological ambiguities of participatory approaches with civil society in public health. I am co-ordinating the Niikaniganaw: All My Relations Indigenous research project, which aims to develop an Indigenous research perspective in the field. We offer accessible, inclusive ceremonies for Indigenous people and those involved with them in an urban setting, in Ottawa-area sharing circles.

Professor Laperrière is currently accepting new students for thesis supervision.

Research interests

  • Indigenous healing practices
  • Community health
  • Safe, stigma-free cultural practices for Indigenous people
  • Critical epistemology of Latin American health care
  • Participatory, cross-disciplinary research, collaborative ethnography, group reflective practice, Indigenous research in urban settings and in Indigenous territory, ceremony as methodology
  • Experiential learning on dangerous ground


  • SSHRC. Queens University, Ontario, Canada. Furlano, J, Roy, A, Vuyk, W., Patterson, K, Gambacort, L, Grady, C., Lapointe, M., Dionne, N. Brant, K, Brant, K,  Laperrière, H. (co-researcher). Indigenous Wealth Committee Case Study. Connection Grant.
  • CnPQ. Brazil. (equivalente à IRSC) Pereira de Tugny, R.; Furtado, J. Gonçalves, G.; Quitiaquez, JT, Laperrière, H. ; Ferreira Santos, N.; Tomaz, V.; Antonio, R.; Belisario, BP, Costa, R. Cantar e curar a terra: construção de diretrizes pedagógicas para a formação de agentes agroflorestais Tikmuun [Singing and healing the Earth; construction of pedagogical directrices for the education of agroflorestal agentes Tikmuun].
  • CIHR-IRSC, Community-based research, Indigenous HIV/AIDS, Laperrière, NPI, Dopler, S. (PKU), Pennock, T. (KU), Masching, R. (KU), Loppie, C. (co-PI), Niikaniganaw (All my relations): building capacity for stigma-free and culturally-safe care for indigenous people living with and affected by HIV in Ottawa-Gatineau.
  • IHR-IRSC. Operating Grant: Knowledge Synthesis: COVID-19 in Mental Health & Substance Use. Indigenous People’s Health. Laperrière, H. (NPI); Bendevis, C. (PKU) et al. Niikaniganaw (All My Relations) II – the COVID-19 Rapid Response: Indigenous approaches to synthesizing knowledge for culturally-safe and stigma free mental health care for under-served Indigenous communities in Ottawa-Gatineau.
  • Laperrière, H. (in press). Problematização dos desafios contemporâneos dentro da formação em enfermagem em situação de minorias francófonas contemplando as questões sociopolíticas, leituras critica a partir da experiência de Extensão popular na UFPB. Vasconcelos, E., Prado, EV. (orgs). Historias e experiências da Extensão popular no Brasil. UFPB - Brazil (Online).
  • Laperrière, H. (sous presse). Conhecer através de atitudes populares humildes: uma epistemologia no ato de risco de aprender caminhando nas incertezas espirituais e fisicas. Dans Cruz, P. (ed). Construção compartilhada do conhecimento na pesquisa e na ação social Brasil; Ministério da Saúde e da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde.
  • Laperriere, H. (2024). Descolonizando a Educação Popular em Saúde: por uma inclusão das visões indígenas na promoção de territórios culturalmente saudáveis e seguros. Interface (Botucatu). 2024; 28: e230173.
  • Laperrière, H. (2023). Conhecer através de atitudes populares humildes: uma epistemologia no ato de risco de aprender caminhando nas incertezas espirituais e físicas. Cruz, P. (ed.). Construção compartilhada do conhecimento na pesquisa e na ação social, UFPB – Brazil (online).
  • McCready, G.; Laperrière, H. (2024). Speaking Up or Covering Up Equity Practices? The Primacy of Context in the Advocacy Opportunities of French-speaking Community Health Nurses. Politics, Policies and Political in Nursing.
  • McCready, G.; Laperrière, H. (2024). Vers des stratégies de plaidoyer structurel : une étude sur le processus de plaidoyer chez les infirmières en santé communautaire. Witness : the critical journal of nursing discourse.
  • McCready, G.; Laperrière, H. (2023). The advocacy process in Canadian. community health nursing: a collaborative ethnography. Journal of Advance Nursing. (Online before printed).
  • Whiteker, C.; Laperrière, H.; Camargo, C. (2023). Atuação docente em espaços de incertezas e imprevisibilidade: práticas locais de enfermagem. Revista Bahiana de Enfermagem.
  • Laperrière, H. (2019). O problema metodológico e político de recolher evidências empíricas em regiões arriscadas da realidade amazônica: problematizações para a educaçãopopular em saúde. RTE Revista Temas em Educação, João Pessoa, Brasil, online, 28(1), 212-230.
  • Laperrière, H. (2017). Self-reflection on emancipatory education practices with the oppressed in community health. Reflective Practices. [online version].
  • Laperrière, H. (2018). Critical Consciousness-Raising, Popular Education and Liberation in Community Health Nursing: Let's Start the Debate. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 19(1), e1-e6, Jan 2018. ISSN 1466-7681.