I bring my nursing experience among Latin-American social movements with community-based organizations (women associations, sex workers, community health agents, seamen’s club, popular education) and with public/community health programs (Leprosy and ITSS/AIDS programs) in the States of Amazonas and Paraiba (Brazil), and with the relation of multiethnic families to social services in Quebec (Canada). I have completed postdoctoral studies in popular education in health program at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil, 2008) with an intensive fieldwork in a marginalized district. I current work as co-investigator in the meta-evaluation of the Brazilian project Inserção social e habitação: avaliação participativa dos portadores de transtornos mentais graves (UNIFESP, UFMG, PUC-MG, FIOCRUZ-BRASILIA – Brazil). We are now developing a new initiative on interdisciplinary and fieldwork contexts of unpredictability and uncertainty. In Canada, I have worked to the creation of the multimedia tool Deux poids, deux mesures that aims at the confrontations trigged by the contemporary challenges in francophone nursing education with minority students. Finally, in partnership with a provincial coalition of community actions against AIDS (COCQ-SIDA), I am the principal investigator of the community-based research project Chez nous, c’est chez vous: une étude sur le logement et VIH au Québec. Those engagements raised my consciousness of power verticality and internal colonization in international aid cooperation and globalization, as well as the ambiguities of participative approaches with the civil society in public health.
Hélène Laperrière
Full Professor
2008 Ph.D. Public Health (Health promotion) Université de Montréal
2004 M.Sc. Nursing University de Montréal
2002 B.Sc. Nursing Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
RGN 3032
613-562-5800 ext. 8918
Research interests
- Primary health care
- Community/public health nursing
- Community approaches and social inequalities in health
- Civil society actions against AIDS
- Nursing education with minority students
- Francophone communities as cultural minorities
- Housing, solidary, cooperation and health
- Globalization & health policies
- Methodologies: evaluation, community-based research, popular education praxis, collaborative ethnography, militant research, participatory action-research, collective reflexive practice, contextualized knowledge production methods, researcher-as-bricoleur
- Latin American
Chapters in books
- Laperrière, H. (in press, 2013). Camouflage et clandestinité des pratiques informelles de soins communautaires: coopérativité, convivialité, dangerosité. In: Chagnon, V., Dallaire, C., Espinasse, C. & Heurgon, E. (éds), Actes du Colloque de Cerisy "Prendre soin : savoirs et pratiques", Centre Culturel International de Cerisy (CCIC), Normandie, France. Co-édition Paris : L’Harmattan ; Québec : PUL. 2012
- Laperrière, H. (in press, 2013). Apresentação: Interdisciplinaridade em campo: além da zona de conforto [Présentation: interdisciplinarité sur le terrain: au-delà de la zone de confort]. In : Furtado, J.P. ; Nakamura, E. (orgs). De muitas maneiras: inserção social e habitação de pessoas com sofrimento mental grave no Brasil[Different ways: social insertion and housing for persons suffering from severe mental troubles in Brazil] (cap. XX). São Paulo, Brasil: Editora universitária UNIFESP.
- Laperrière, H., Potvin, L. & Zúñiga, R. (2012). Les planifications centralisées et l'action communautaire locale. Dans Aubry, F. & Potvin, L. (Eds.). L’espace socio-sanitaire. Expériences et pratiques de recherche dans la production locale de la santé(pp.227-245). Montréal: Presses Universitaires de Montréal.
- Laperrière, H. O (2011). O olhar de uma estrangeira sobre o projeto de extensao popular. Suas análises e percepções. [The look of a foreigner on the popular extension project]. In: Vasconcelos, E.M.; Cruz, P.J.S.C. (orgs.), Educação Popular na formação universitária: reflexões a partir de uma experiência [Popular education in academic training: reflections from an experience] (pp.191-203). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Hucitec.
- Furtado, J.P. ; Laperrière, H. (2011). Avalição da avaliação [Evaluation of evaluation]. In: Onocko Campos, R. & Furtado, J.P. (eds), Novas tendências e questões emergentes: os desafios da pesquisa avaliativa, [New tendencies and emergent questions: the challenges of evaluative research]. Campinas, Brasil: Editora da Unicamp.
Papers in refereed journals
- Laperrière, H. (in press). Expérimenter l’éducation de la libération dans le Nordeste brésilien : doutes et convictions de la recherche qualitative engagée. Hors-Série ACFAS 2012 : Recherches qualitatives. [Spring 2013]
- Laperrière, H. (2012). Enjeux contemporains de la formation infirmière francophone en situation minoritaire à Ottawa (Ontario): découvrir le contexte sociopolitique plus large d’un problème microlocal. L’infirmière clinicienne, 19(1):18-26.
- Laperrière, H., Potvin, L. & Zuniga, R. (2012). A socio political framework of evaluability assessment for participatory evaluations: how to make sense of the power differences in programs that involve the State and Civil society? Evaluation. The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 18 (2): 246-259.
- Laperrière, H. (2012). Étudiants infirmiers francophones d’immigrations récentes et de minorités visibles: commentétudier un tabou. Aporia: the nursing journal, 4 (1), 30-41.
- Furtado, J. & Laperrière, H. (2012) Parâmetros e paradigmas em meta-avaliação: uma revisão exploratória e reflexiva. [Parameters & paradigms in meta-evaluation : an exploratory & reflective revision ]Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 17 (3): 3689-3698.
- Laperrière, H. (2011). La inclusion de la perspectiva de la sociedad civil popular en VIH/Sida: sistematización de experiencias como enfermera, Brazil & Canadá [ Inclusion of civil popular perspective in HIV/AIDS: systematization of experiences as a nurse ]. Saúde & Sociedade [online], 20 (3), 647-658.
- Laperrière, H. (2011). Volunteer Sector Autonomy in Public Health Program Evaluation: the Case of a Provincial HIV/AIDS Coalition. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. Special issue (March): health promotion.
- Laperrière, H. (2010). Inovação metodológica: experimentando a educação libertadora em saúde [Methodological innovation: experimenting the liberation education in health]. Saúde & Transformação Social, 1 (1), 3-8.
- Laperrière, H. (2010). La inclusión de la perspectiva de la sociedad civil popular en VIH/SIDA: Sistematización de experiencias como enfermera en Brasil y Canadá. [The inclusion of popular civil society perspective in HIV/AIDS: a systematization of experiences as a nurse in Brazil and Canada]. Rev Paraninfo Digital; 9.
- Laperrière, H. (2010). La formation professionnelle en santé d’étudiantes issues des communautés d’immigrants francophones s’intégrant à la minorité francophone nationale au Canada. Aporia: the nursing journal, 2 (1): 49-59.
- Laperrière, H. (2009). Les inégalités entre le local et le national: le cas de l’évaluation qualitative de la lutte communautaire contre le VIH/sida au Québec. Recherches qualitatives, Numéro spécial: Les contributions de la recherche qualitative à l’émancipation des populations négligées: retour aux sources sociopolitiques », 28 (3).
- Laperrière, H. (2009). Une pratique réflexive collective de production de connaissances dans la lutte communautaire contre le VIH/Sida au Québec. Les inégalités entre le local et les centres d’expertises, Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales, Numéro special: Le renouvellement démocratique des pratiques d’action et d’intervention sociales, 22 (1): 77-91.
- Laperrière, H. (2009). La construction interculturelle d´une critique théorique en santé communautaire : le cas de la pédagogie de Freire. Aporia : the nursing journal, No 2, 31-41.
- Laperrière, H. (2008). Evaluations in Partnership Between State and Popular Civil Society: The Case of Collective Fight Against AIDS in Quebec. Abstract published in Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation [Online journal].
- Laperrière, H. (2008). Evaluation of STD/HIV/AIDS peer-education and dangerousness: a local perspective. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva. 13 (6), 1817-1824.
- Laperrière, H. (2008). O caso de uma comunidade avaliativa emergente: reapropriação pelos pares-multiplicadores da avaliação das suas próprias ações preventivas e sociais contra as DST/HIV/AIDS. [The case of an emergent evaluative community: reappropriation by peer-educators of the evaluation of their own preventive and social actions against STD/HIV/AIDS ]. Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, 12 (24), 527-540.
- Laperrière, H. (2008). Developing professional autonomy in advanced nursing practice: The critical analysis of sociopolitical variables. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 14 (5), 391-397.
- Laperrière, H. & Zúñiga, R. (2007). Le regard qualitatif et le dépassement des frontières sectorielles et des filtres idéologiques. Recherches qualitatives. Hors-Série, 5, 46-69.
- Laperrière, H. & Zúñiga, R. (2007). Cuando la comunidad guía la acción: hacia una evaluación comunitaria alternative[When community guides the action: until an alternative community evaluation]. Psicologia & Sociedade, 19 (3).
- Laperrière, H. (2007). How can we develop community health nursing practices in contexts of poverty, uncertainty and unpredictability? A systematization of personal experiences. Revista Latino-Americana de enfermagem, 15, special issue, 721-728. Trilingual journal in English, Spanish, Portuguese.
- Laperrière, H. (2007). Discovering popular education in professional community health care practices. Texto e Contexto em Enfermagem, 16 (2), 294-302.
- Laperrière, H. (2007). Evaluating in political turmoil: nursing challenges in prevention programs. Nursing Inquiry, 14 (1), 42-50.
- Laperrière, H. (2007, February). Evaluative research in the sociopolitical and sociocultural contexts: methodological challenges and the urgency of social and health prevention in remote regions. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(4), Art. 6.
- Laperrière, H. (2006). Réflexion sur la pratique infirmière avancée en soins communautaires dans le contexte de vulnérabilité. L’Infirmière Clinicienne, [online journal] 3 (1).
- Laperrière, H. & Zúñiga, R. (2006). Sociopolitical Determinants of an AIDS Prevention Program: Multiple Actors and Vertical Relationships of Control and Influence. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 7 (2), 125-135.
Papers in referred conference proceedings
- Laperrière, H.; Zuniga, R.; Blanchard, M.; Légaré, H.; Richer, T. & Hot, A. (2012). Housing and HIV in Quebec (Canada): building an innovative community-based research partnership. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology, 23, (supl. A): 120A-121B.
- Laperrière, H. & Couturier, L. (2009). Une problématique émergente. Colloque des Communautés linguistiques en situation minoritaire (CLOSM), Canada, Ottawa, 5-6 Nov 2009.
- Laperrière, H. (2008). Fortaleciendo la voz pública de los proyectos de acción comunitária: rescatar la evaluación del control social. La experiência de programas de prevención del sida en el Quebec. [Reenforcing the public voice of community action projects: to recuperate evaluation of the social control]. Proceedings of Congresso internacional de psicologia social de la liberacíon.
- Zúñiga, R. & Laperrière, H. (2008). Sociedad y acción comunitária: la cooptación ideológica [Society and community action: the ideological cooptation]. Proceedings of Congresso internacional de psicologia social de la liberacíon.
Major invited contributions and/or technical reports
- Furtado, J.P. ; Laperrière, H. ; Silva, R.R. ; Anastacio, C. ; Bigoni, A. (2012). Avaliação da avaliação: a realização de meta-avaliação simultânea ao desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa avaliativa. Research report for Edital MCT/CNPq n. 03/2009-Processo CNPq #481396/2010-1. Brazil, Santos : UNIFESP-Campus Baixada Santista.
- Laperrière, H. (2012). Entrevue sur l’engagement et la vie dans une coopérative d’habitation francophone et le projet pilote des stages en santé communautaire. Canada, Émission Ruby, TFO-Télévision Franco-Ontarienne, mardi 16 octobre à 20h30.
- Laperrière, H., Aylestock, J. (invited speakers). Présentation sur le logement, le VIH et la condition gaie. Coalition pour prévenir l’itinérance des francophones d’Ottawa (CPIFO). Canada, Ottawa, 24 octobre 2012.
- Laperrière, H. (invited animator). 2011: pensar a participação e a inclusão de atores multiplos na avaliação hoje Reunión sobre Avaliação participativa [2011 : thinking participation and inclusion of multiples actors in today evaluation]. Meeting with Brazilian evaluators, UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil, 18 April 2011.
- Laperrière, H. & Zuniga, R. (invited speaker, 2011). Présentation DVD – Deux poids, deux mesures. Débat avec l’auditoire autour de la thématique. Colloque professionnel et de formation à l’enseignement : L’inclusion et l’éducation interculturelle, Faculté d’éducation, Université d’Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 24 février 2011.
- Laperrière, H. (invited speaker, 2010). La inclusión de la perspectiva de la sociedad civil popular en el VIH/Sida : sistematización de experiencias como enfermera en regiones peligrosas [The inclusion of popular civil society perspective in HIV/AIDS: systematization of experiences as a nurse in dangerous areas ]. Reunión Internacional sobre Investigación en Salud Comunitaria, [International meeting on community health research] Digital communication online, Spain, 22 May 2010.
- Laperrière, H. (2010). Camouflage et clandestinité des pratiques informelles de soins communautaires: coopérativité, convivialité, dangerosité. Colloque de Cerisy "Prendre soin : savoirs et pratiques". Centre Culturel International de Cerisy (CCIC), Normandie, France, 11-21 juin 2010.
- Laperrière, H. (invited speaker, 2009). Desáfios metodologicos : avaliação adaptada ao realismo contextual e usuários. [ Methodological challenges: evaluation adapted to contextual realism and user]. Videoconference for Brazilian Ministry of Health to the Seminário internacional de pesquisa avaliativa. Moradia e Bolsa-auxílio, programas de intervenção social para acesso aos bens públicos [International seminar of evaluation research. Housing and subsidized help, Social Intervention Programme for access to public goods]. Ministério da Saúde, FIOCRUZ [Brazilian Ministry of Health], Brasília, Brazil, 8 Dec 2009.
- Laperrière, H. (invited speaker, 2009). Mini-curso Avaliação, produção de conhecimento e participação [Mini-workshop in evaluation, knowledge production and participation] 3 days. I Seminário International : Inserção social e habitação : avaliação de moradias de portadores de transtorno mental grave no Brasil, [1st International seminar: social insertion and housing: evaluation of habitations of people with severe mental illness in Brazil]. UNIFESP, UFMG, PUC-MG, FIOCRUZ-BRASILIA, Santos, Brazil, 21, 22, 23 Sept 2009.
- Laperrière, H. (invited speaker, 2009). Avaliação, produção de conhecimento e participação. [Evaluation, knowledge production and participation]. I Seminário International : Inserção social e habitação : avaliação de moradias de portadores de transtorno mental grave no Brasil, [1st International seminar: social insertion and housing: evaluation of habitations of people with severe mental illness in Brazil]. UNIFESP, UFMG, PUC-MG, FIOCRUZ-BRASILIA, Santos, Brazil, 24 Sept 2009.
- Laperrière, H. (invited teacher, 2009). Séminaire Recherche évaluative et recherche-action : notions d’autonomies et de participations dans les rapports interculturels (Master 8 périodes). Journée de formation pour les collaborateurs scientifiques de la HEF-TS, Lausanne, Suisse, 3 Nov 2009.
- Laperrière, H. (invited teacher, 2009). Autonomie et identité professionnelle : une question éthique. Formation continue – Pratique professionnelle : enjeux et valeurs professionnels. Différenciation des qualifications et hiérarchisations des fonctions en travail social. Haute École fribourgeoise de travail social, Givisiez, Suisse, 4 Nov 2009.
- Furtado, J.P. & Laperrière, H. (invited researcher consultant 2008). Consultation on the methodological challenges to include users in evaluation with marginalized population. Florianita C. Braga Campos (PI), Fiocruz, SEPN 510 unidade II do Ministério da Saúde, [Brazilian Ministry of Health ] Brasilia, Brazil, 27-28 Sep 2008.
- Zúñiga, R. & Marie-Hélène Luly (dir.) et Comité de travail (H.Laperrière et autres). (2005) Savoir-faire et savoir-dire : un guide d’évaluation communautaire. Québec. Coalition des organismes de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-sida). Working committee, Montréal, Québec, Canada.