Julie Chartrand
Julie Chartrand
Associate Professor

2014 Ph.D. Nursing University of Ottawa
2014 Diploma Health Services and Policy Research Ontario Training Centre (OTC)
2007 M.Sc.N. (Fast track) Nursing University of Ottawa
2002 B.Sc.N. Nursing University of Ottawa

LEE 418E
613-562-5800 ext. 6237


Julie Chartrand is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She is a Research Associate at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute. As a registered nurse, Professor Chartrand practiced in the area of pediatric critical care and perioperative care at CHEO in Ottawa.

Her current research focuses on patient and parent involvement in the delivery of health care to children and the education of future nurses during their pediatric clinical placement. Her goal is to improve patient outcomes by supporting and valuing the place of patients and their families in health care. Professor Chartrand is also interested in improving access to quality care for francophone minority communities. She is currently conducting research examining the experiences of francophone patients and parents with pediatric oncology care in their homes and evaluating online training on the FLACC pediatric pain scale with francophone nursing students. 

She teaches primarily in French in the undergraduate and graduate programs. She supervises both francophone and anglophone students at the master's and doctoral levels in nursing.

Professor Chartrand is accepting new students for thesis supervision.

Research interests

  • Patient and parent involvement in pediatric care
  • Pre-operative preparation of parents and children
  • Collaborative family-nurse partnerships
  • Access to health care for francophone minority communities


  • *Yazdani, N., Chartrand, J. & Stacey, D. (2022). Exploring Parental Decision-Making for a Child with a Life-Limiting Condition: An Interpretive Description Study. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 24 (2), 140-146.
  • *Burcul, V., Chartrand, J., Balasa, R., Moreau, K., Eady, K. & Chartrand, M. (2021). An exploration of nursing students’ and clinical instructors’ perceptions of patient and parent involvement in the assessment of nursing students during pediatric clinical placements: A qualitative study. Nurse Education in Practice, 56, 1-6. 10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103195
  • Lalonde, M., Prairie, G., Vanderspank-Wright, B., Chartrand, J., McGillis Hall, L., & Lamont, M. (2021). NCLEX-RN© Preparation Resources Available Online in French: An Integrative Review. International Nursing Review, 1-10.
  • Jibb, L., Chartrand, J., Masama, T. & Johnston, D. (2021). Home-Based Pediatric Cancer Care: Perspectives and Improvement Suggestions from Children, Family Caregivers, and Clinicians. JCO Oncology Practice, 17, e827-e839. DOI: 10.1200/OP.20.00958
  • Backman, C., Chartrand, J., Crick, M., Devey Burry, R., Dingwall, O., & Shea, B. (2020). Effectiveness of person‐and family‐centred care transition interventions on patient‐oriented outcomes: A systematic review. Nursing Open, 1-34. DOI: 10.1002/nop2.677
  • *Balasa, R., Chartrand, J., Moreau, K., Tousignant, K., & Eady, K. (2020). Patients’ and parents’ perspectives of and experiences with assessing nursing students’ pediatric clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15544
  • Dagg, W., Forgeron, P., Macartney, G., & Chartrand, J. (2020). Parents’ Management of Adolescent Patients’ Post-Operative Pain After Discharge: A Qualitative Study. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(3), 51-60. DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2020.1783524
  • Dagg, W., Forgeron, P., Macartney, G., & Chartrand, J. (2020). Adolescent Patients’ Management of Post-Operative Pain After Discharge : A Qualitative Study. Pain Management Nursing, 21(6), 565-571. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2020.04.003
  • Jager, F., Vandyk, A., Jacob, J.D., Meilleur, D., Vanderspank-Wright, B., LeBlanc, B., Chartrand,  J., Hust, C., Lalonde, M., Rintoul, A., Alain, D., Poirier, S. & Phillips, J.C. (2020). The Ottawa model for nursing curriculum renewal: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 87, 104344. doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104344
  • Chartrand, J., Vandyk, A., Beké, É., Balasa, R., Loranger, C., Muray, M., Chartrand, M. & Baker, C. (2019). La pénurie de professeures de sciences infirmières au Canada et ses effets sur les programmes de formation en sciences infirmières offerts en français. Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society, (11), 95–116. doi.org/10.7202/1065214ar
  • Lalonde, M., Chartrand, J., Vanderspank-Wright, B., McGillis Hall, L., Gosselin-Bélanger, A., & Fullum, J. (2019). Les Effets Potentiels de la Version Française du NCLEX-RN® sur le Choix de la Langue de Formation d'Étudiantes Infirmières Francophones en Situation Minoritaire. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 6(1). doi.org/10.17483/2368-6669.1181
  • Diegel Vandyk, A., Chartrand, J., Beké, E., Burlock, L. & Baker, C. (2017). Perspectives from academic leaders on the Nursing faculty shortage in Canada. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. doi:10.1515/ijnes-2017-0049
  • Backman, C., Chartrand, J., Dingwall, O. & Shea, B. (2017). Effectiveness of person- and family- centered care transition interventions: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6(158). doi:10.1186/s13643-017-0554-z
  • Chartrand, J., Tourigny, J. et MacCormick, J.A. (2017). The Effect of a pre-operative DVD on  parents' and children's outcomes after a same-day surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(3), 599-611. doi:10.1111/jan.13161
  • Tourigny, J. et Chartrand, J. (2015). Partnering with parents in a pediatric ambulatory care setting: A new model. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 38(2), 105-117.